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5S Structured Learning Exercise Resources Needed: 1. 2. 3. 4.

magnetic letters 2 sets in a bag or box 2 stopwatches / timers 2 volunteer players Red tag

Instructions for the players: 1. Dump all contents of the bag / box on the table 2. Spell out the word MISS UNIVERSE by sticking them on the board using the letters on the table. 3. Record the time spent 4. Remove all the letters on the pile that are not M,I,S,U,N,V,E,R. Put the red tag on top of the pile of un-needed letters. 5. Again, spell out the word MISS UNIVERSE and record the time spent. 6. Finally, straighten the letters into 8 small piles containing multiples of each letter. 7. For the last time, spell out the same word. 8. Record the time spent. 9. Player with the lowest total time spent wins the game. 10. Discuss the exercise.

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