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Data Tabulation

Data Tabulation
It is a way of summarizing and presenting the given data in a systematic form in rows and columns Objectives:
To simplify the complex data To economise space To depict trend To facilitate comparison To facilitate statistical comparison To help as a reference

Parts of a Table
Table number
Centre or side but above

Title of the table Caption and stubs

Heading of the column: caption; row: stub (sub-stubs and subcaptions) If units are different, mention units along with captions If the stubs occupy more than 1 line: figures in the last line

Numerical information

Prefactory or head note

Just below the title; it is enclosed in brackets; units)

Foot notes
Below the table; clarify the caption or stub; number the foot notes

Model Table
Table Number and Title (Head or Prefactory Note)

Foot Note Source Note

: :

Types of Tables used in Statistical Investigation

Simple Table
Data are presented only on one characteristic

Table 1: Candidates Interviewed for Employment in a Company

Candidate's Profile Experienced Inexperienced Total

Number of Candidates 50 70 120

Complex Table
Manifold tables Data are presented according to two or more characteristics simultaneously Double or two-way table Three-way table Manifold or higher order tables

Double or Two-Way Table

Table 2: Candidates Interviewed for Employment in a Company

Candidate's Profile

Number of Candidates Males Females 15 60 75


Experienced Inexperienced Total

35 10 45

50 70 120

Three Way Table

Table 2: Candidates Interviewed for Employment in a Company
Candidate's Profile Males Married Experienced Inexperienced Total 15 2 17 Unmarried 20 8 28 Total 35 10 45 Married 5 10 15 Number of Candidates Females Unmarried 10 50 60 Total 15 60 75 50 70 120 Total

General and Summary Tables

General tables: reference or repository tables Information is provided for general or reference purpose Provided in appendix

Original and Derived Table

Original : Classification table Data collected from a primary source Information derived from a general table: derived table Ratios, averages, percentages: derived table

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