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(At Saturday come together in ayoe s house) Ayu Nita Ayu Nita Ayu Selvi Ayu : Nit, where

s my novel that you borrow ? :oh yes, that novel was borrow by inggit. :When you want to return it, because i m yet read it :Later i ll back your novel :Vy, why you so quite ? :i m hungry, are you have some food yu ? heheh just kidding :yes i have, but you cook yourself. Hahaha (and then Selvi phone ringing, talk in phone) Inggit :hallo, vy where are you ? Selvi :i m at ayou house, what s happen ?

Inggit :i have report from lutfi brother, that lutfi had take care in hospital Selvi :are you serious ! don t jokking like that !!!

Inggit :i m serious selvi Nita Selvi Nita :how about we go look lutfi at hospital ? :yes i m agree :when we can look lutfi ?

Inggit :how about tomorrow after school ? Selvi :mmm... Me and ayu can t gon after school because we both must follow the pasch. Inggit :woow, your are so diligent, good job Ayu Nita :how about 04:00 pm ? :yes, i agree with you but i go home first okay

Inggit :yes me too because i want to change my suit Selvi :Okay njit, see you tomorrow (tomorrow after pasch and school) Nita : (calling lutfi)

Hallo phi, we want to look you at hospital Lutfi Nita Lutfi :okay nit, who with you come and when ? :with ayu, inggit, and selvi, now at 04:00 pm :okay, i ll waiting (at hospital) Ayu Lutfi Selvi Lutfi :hi phi,how are you felling ? :i m okay, just bad fever :what reason you like this ? :i don t know, maybe because play too much

Inggit :poor you phi, i hope your disease heal quick Lutfi Selvi Lutfi Selvi :yes, thanks nggit, pray for me okay :Lutfi 3x :what s happen vy ? :i m hungry phi

Inggit :selvi 3x why you always so hungry ? Selvi : hehehe Lutfi, are you alone here ? where s your family ? Lutfi Ayu :i m with with my mom but she at apotik right to buy my medicine :phi, this is afternoon already i want go home

Inggit :yes me too Lutfi :Oke, thanks for coming, see you at school

Inggit :oke lutfi, be heal Nita Ayu :bye lutfi :bye lutfi

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