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TIBCO Tools Suite Journal Notes Global Headquarters 3303 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304 Tel: +1 650-846-1000 Toll Free: 1 800-420-8450 Fax: +1 650-846-1005
2009, TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved. TIBCO, the TIBCO logo, The Power of Now, and TIBCO Software are trademarks or registered trademarks of TIBCO Software Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other product and company names and marks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners and are mentioned for identification purposes only.


Table of Contents
1. Learning .......................................................................................................... 3 2. System Setup.................................................................................................. 3 3. Adapter Setup ................................................................................................. 3 4. Service Creation ............................................................................................. 4 5. Service Orchestration .................................................................................... 9 6. Deployment ................................................................................................... 10 7. Monitoring and Management....................................................................... 10 8. Change Management ................................................................................... 11 9. Performance ................................................................................................. 12 10. QA ............................................................................................................... 12


1. Learning
TIBCO Adapter for Siebel: I had no previous experience with Siebel and the TIBCO Adapter for Siebel. I studied the user guide of the adapter to figure out how to use it. It took me about 20 hours to get familiar with this. TIBCO ActiveMatrix Policy Manager: I had to learn Policy Manager from the very basics as I had never worked on it before. Took me about 24 hours to learn and practice using this. TIBCO ActiveMatrix: I had some previous experience with TIBCO ActiveMatrix, but I had to revise all that I had done. I did some practice and looked at my previous implementations before beginning with the development of this scenario. It took me about 5 hours to do so.

2. System Setup
The TIBCO suite of products was installed on a 2GB RAM Windows XP machine. I got all the installers and stored them in the machine first. Following is the list of the products that were installed along with the time taken to install them. TRA 5.5 5 min BW 5.7 2.5 min EMS 5. 0 2min Hibernate 3.2.5 1.5 min DABS 1.0 6 min BWSE 5.7 20 min AMSG 2.1 24 min TIBCO Adapter for Siebel 5.3 30 min TIBCO Adapter for SAP Policy Manager I started by installing the TRA. Most of the installations were pretty straightforward. BWSE and AMSG installations were, however, time consuming. I ran the ActiveMatrix administration creation wizard after installing AMSG.

3. Adapter Setup
I installed the TIBCO Siebel Adapter 5.3.1. The installation was very straightforward. In the configuration, I provided the parameters for the Siebel system. After trying a bit, I was able to connect to the Siebel server. At the Siebel end, I had to import the EAI TIBCO HTTP Agent Business service which is required to connect to the Siebel Adapter.


4. Service Creation
StorePO service Friday, February 27th Time: 45 min

This BW service inserts the Purchase Order information in the database. It took me about 10 minutes for designing and planning this service. Making the PurchaseOrder schema took me another 5 minutes. I then created the WSDL and made an HTTP connection. After that I just right clicked on the WSDL and clicked on Generate Web Service>From WSDL. It automatically created the service resource and made a process definition corresponding to the operation in the WSDL. Making the process was easy. I had to use a JDBC Update activity and configure it. All this took about 20 minutes After making the BW service, I opened TIBCO Business Studio, imported this project in the BW component. I then attached a SOAP/HTTP server to it and created the service assembly. This took about 8 minutes.

GetDB service Monday, March 2nd Time: 70 min

This BW service gets the pending purchase orders from the database and also the details of the parts stored in the repository.


It took me about 15 minutes to design and plan the service. I used the PurchaseOrder schema from StorePO service and created a new Parts schema. This took about 5 minutes. My WSDL had 2 operations one to retrieve the purchase orders and the other to retrieve the part details. After creating the WSDL, I just used the Generate Web Service tool to generate the service. I lost time in figuring out some of the xml mappings in this service. All this took about 40 minutes. Putting this BW service in a BW container in ActiveMatrix took another 8 minutes.


UpdatePO service Monday, March 2nd Time: 35 min

This BW service updates the parts_repository table and purchase_order table. It also sends the purchase order via JMS to GetPrice service. It took me about 7 minutes to design and plan this service. I copied the purchase order schema from the StorePO service. After that the WSDL was created, a JMS connection (since this is a SOAP/JMS service) was made, and the service was created as in the previous cases. The process creation was pretty straightforward. I just had to use 2 JDBC Update activities and one JMS Queue Sender. It was done within 20 minutes. Putting this BW service in a BW container in ActiveMatrix took another 7 minutes.

CompletePO service Friday, March 6th Time: 55 min

This BW service takes the Purchase Order over SOAP/JMS transport and updates the status of the purchase order and final bill in the database. Designing and planning took about 5 minutes. I had to use 2 JDBC updates which were fairly simple. Putting this BW service in a BW container in ActiveMatrix took another 4 minutes. In ActiveMatrix, I did not wire it to a SOAP/HTTP server, so this was a standalone BW project inside ActiveMatrix.


Front-End Application in TIBCO General Interface Thursday, March 5th Time: 3 hours

This GI application is supposed to be opened by a clerk at the retailer end, where he can view the existing purchase orders and also the parts present in the repository. Depending on that, he can approve a particular purchase order. I installed TIBCO General Interface 3.5.1. Through my user interface I intended to call the GetDB and UpdatePO service. I used the xml mapping utility to connect to these services. I used a matrix list for displaying all the purchase orders. It took some time for me to figure out how to use a matrix list. Initially, I was using a matrix grid. I had to use 2 matrix lists one for purchase orders and the other for parts in the repository. I used a splitter to separate the 2 lists. Using the matrix list for purchase order turned out to be a little complex, because the parts element inside the purchase order schema was repeating. I finally managed to do it by making the parts element a CDF record. Now, it was required that whatever purchase order is selected by the user should be sent to the UpdatePO service. For this, I had to write some JavaScript, so that whatever row is selected, the order id for that row is stored in a hidden textbox. Further, on click of the approve button, this value is sent to the UpdatePO service.


GetPrice Service Thursday, March 5th Time: 93 min

This is a fairly simple service that gets the price information from the SAP application. Further it calls the CompletePO service. I used invoke partner activity for calling the CompletePO service, which allows service virtualization as I do not need to provide the concrete WSDL in the process. I lost time in figuring out how to use the invoke partner activity in the BW process. In ActiveMatrix I used a reference resource.


5. Service Orchestration
The service orchestration was done within the service construction only as each service was calling some other service through some transport. I used the invoke partner activity in BW to orchestrate the CompletePO service with the GetPrice service. This allowed service virtualization as the concrete WSDL of the CompletePO service was not needed while making the service in designer.


6. Deployment
After creating the service assemblies for all the services I started TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator. I uploaded the service assemblies, then deployed them and started them. For the service assembly GetDB it gave an error. I just restarted the node and tried again the error disappeared. All in all the deployment of all the 5 BW services took me 28 minutes. The database construction took 40 minutes.

7. Monitoring and Management

Monitoring and management through ActiveMatrix is very easy through the Monitoring and Management perspective inside the TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator. Unit test for SOA Use Case For unit testing I made a client for each of the services in BusinessWorks. The clients tested successfully in the first attempt. Service Monitor Test Scenario I made a BW client to test the entire use case. I used the Monitoring and Management perspective to monitor the services.



8. Change Management
Using a different schema I used a different schema for the GetPrice service. Instead of passing the GetPrice service the entire purchase order I changed the schema so that it would now take only the order_id of the purchase order. It turned out to be very simple. I had to insert JDBC activities to fetch the remaining details of the purchase order from the database. The new GetPrice service construction along with its deployment took me 33 minutes. Using a different service For this I used the new GetPrice service with the changed schema constructed as written above. I had to un-deploy the UpdatePO service and change it, so that it calls the new GetPrice service and then again deploy it. Took me 25 minutes to do this.

Using a Publish/Subscribe model I replaced the JMS queue sender activity in UpdatePO with the JMS topic sender. Also the JMS Queue Listener in GetPrice was replaced by JMS topic subscriber activity. Modifying and deploying the 2 services again took me 28 minutes.



9. Performance
I made a client in BW that sends 20 requests per second to each of the services individually. It took me about 35 minutes to make this. In the ActiveMatrix Administrator I opened the Monitor and Manage perspective, which allowed me to monitor the results of the requests. Thus the performance testing turned out to be very easy.

10. QA
Smoke test- This test was done before the deployment of the services by making a client in BW. This was done to ensure that all critical functionality was running. I ran each of the services in TIBCO Designer Test Mode, and then tested them using a BW client. The results analysis was easy and took 15 minutes to do.


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