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For the people whos laptops are suffering from the Shortcut Trojan

Several hostelites laptops have been infected with a Trojan that creates shortcuts of any file on an external drive. This is the solution for solving the same. 1. Go to control Panel, Folder Options -- select VIEW--- select Show hidden files and folders and uncheck Hide protected operating system files (recommended) now click APPLY 2- Go to your external media and it should show you all your folders hidden including the virus- delete the virus and all the shortcut folders that have no data in them. 3. Enter task manager by pressing ctrl+alt+delete- find the process that is still running which will have the same name as the one you just deleted off the hard drive- right click it and select open file location- this should show you the virus location- delete it! 3-(A) If you cannot open the virus location by the aforementioned process, manually search for the virus file. (B) If you cannot kill the process in the normal windows mode and hence cannot delete the virus file because of this, try to reboot in safe mode. There you will see that the process that the virus runs is has not been started. Now find and delete the virus file. 4- As a precaution, just make an empty folder of the virus name in the location from where you have just deleted it. It will prevent the virus from creeping back. 4- Return back to control panel, Folder options select view----- select DO NOT show hidden files and folders and recheck Hide protected operating system files (recommended) 5. Restart computer open task manager and ensure that the program is no longer running

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