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Installation instructions for the Basic CV product, #bcv_prodnr# ================================================================= Preparations -----------1. Unpack the basic_cv.

zip file to a file directory <basic_cv dir>. At RBS/RAN I&V this step is not needed. The unpacking of the file is a part of the product manufacturing processand performed by TCM. 2. Create a node/LAN unique lazydog file. 2.1 Copy the nodeclone.lazydog file to a working directory <work dir>. 2.2 Update the <work dir>/nodeclone.lazydog file. The following environment variables has to be given proper values. setenv setenv setenv setenv setenv IPADR NODENAME DEFAULTROUTER NETMASK BROADCAST #IPADR# #NODENAME# #DEFAULTROUTER# #NETMASK# #BROADCAST#

At RBS/RAN I&V step 2. is done by executing the command: create_test_dir -BASIC_CV <node name> eg: create_test_dir -BASIC_CV wrbs009

Basic CV node installation -------------------------1. Follow the instruction given in the nodeclone.lazydog file. NOTE: Note that a TUB in slot 4 behaves strangely during installation of a basic CV. This happens because the basic CV must be compatible with all RBS types, some of which have a GPB in slot 4. The TUB is configured correctly later on by the wizards. Until then, please ignore the state of the TUB LEDs.

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