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"Dr. Rosmah Binti Mohamed (Staff)" <> "prof ghazali" <

my> Re: Research Clinics and follow up Dear Dr Rosmah, Today I managed to complete two things. Meeting with supervisor Dr Nik Hasnaa . Later had a very brief but fruitful session with Dr Nagarajah to sort out some IV DV issues during the Research Clinic (without prior appoinment.The concept of the RC is so good and beneficial especially with Dr Nagarajah on duty , I wonde r the small number of turn out. Maybe more publicity next time .CGS office did n ot send out the information. As usual , true to my motto of sharing good things, I sms and called up a few fr iends to come as the RC would only end aronnd 4.30pm. One or two replied and sai d not enough time to get ready. Now the reason I write is regarding a call from a mis (missing in action) learn er ,Ahmad ShukriAbdul Ghana (cgs 00109410) from Johore. He said he was on his way to OUM R esearch Clinic to get a supervisor. He even registered on-line last night . He a sked if I would be in OUM to attend the RC (he thought the clinic was a class). I tried to explain to Ahmad Shukri the idea of RC and it was not a place to obta in a supervisor.However, I told him I would meet him in OUM as I would be seeing Dr Nik Hasnaa then. By 11.00amAhmad Shukri did not turn up, I called him on phone and hr said he was on the way turning back to Johore as there was no point for him to come today ( earlier on I did not know ProGhazali would be in OUM and I was busy getting m y prepared writeups ready) BTW , I never met this learner.We talked a few times on phone . I only knew he s lowed down when he'. lost nis supervisor. When he called up CGS, he was told he needed to redo his proposal if he getting a new supervisor . Dr Rosmah,will you do the follow-up and I have sms your phone(office and hand phone) as well as yo ur email . to Ahmad Shukri. However,from past experience, you might need to con tact him (0133055799) and email Now please tell me how do I be a more effective liaison member within the time c ontraint. unless CGSis creating a new post titled PhD Care Official. Regards and best wishes bee ching

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