Affirmative Action

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Whats the meaning of A.F?

In the United States, affirmative action refers to policies that take gender, race, or ethnicity into account in an attempt to promote equal opportunity and increase ethnic diversity in workplaces and schools. The impetus towards affirmative action is to maximize diversity in all aspects. In many cases, affirmative action in the United States is meant to encourage public institutions, such as universities, hospitals, and police forces, to be more representative of the populations they serve.

Some Vocabulary...
Streak = Rasgo. Scholars = Expertos. Colorblind = Daltnico. Oversubscribed = Exceso de solicitudes. TieTie-Breakers = trmino usado para determinar un ganador en un eventual empate. Upheld = Apoyado/Defendido. Compelling = Convincente. Dissenters = Gente que discrepa. Eye-opening = EyeRevelacin. Edge = Ventaja. Housing = Vivienda. Deferring = Aplazar. Busing = Transporte. Deference = Respeto. Struck-down = StruckLlev/Aboli. Expertise = Experiencia. Deem = Juzgar. Dissenting = Discrepante.

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