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Facts for play Judaism 1. Founder : Abraham 2. Sacred text : Torah 3.

Ten Commandments :
Worship no other gods. Do not worship idols. Do not misuse the name of the Lord. Keep the Sabbath holy. Honor your father and mother. Do not murder. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not give false testimony Do not covet.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tradition holds that Judaism began about 4000 years ago in Israel. The Jews lost their homeland in the year 70, and regained it in 1948. Judaism does not believe in proselytizing (or "spreading the faith"). Judaism is centered around the idea that there is only one God, who created the universe. Judaism has 613 commandments (the 10 commandments are only part of them). 6. The ancient language of Judaism is Hebrew, which is still used today in prayers and as the official language of Israel. 7. Jews believe that the reason we are here is to repair the world (make the world a better place). 8. Jews believe that loving your fellow human beings is of EQUAL importance to loving God. In fact, some Jews believe loving other people is more important. 9. The holy day of Judaism is called Shabbat, which starts at sundown on Friday night, and ends at sundown on Saturday night. This is the day of rest. 10. Judaism is an ethnic group as well as a religion.

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