Time N Proj MGT Workbook

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Participant Workbook

All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Gregory D. Wilkie

2006, Gregory D. Wilkie PO Box 1695 Anchorage, Alaska 99514-1695 (907) 332-0500 coachgreg2001@yahoo.com


Session Agenda
Time and Project Management Overview (2 hours total) Provided as one two-hour long session Time Management Introduction Exercise Managing Time Management Functions Managing You

Project Management Introduction What Is A Project? Why Is Project Management Important?




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DESIRED RESULTS at the end of this session, participants will: 1. Be able to provide a working definition of the three times of time Be able to prioritize a list of tasks by importance using the four quadrant system Be able to provide a working definition of a project and what is, normal work. Be able to identify a minimum of two (2) projects they are currently working





MY DESIRED RESULTS ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
"The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving" - Oliver Werndell Holmes

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Demonstration: Time In A Bottle
Who: ANTHC Scholarship and Intern Recipients What: Identifying the amount of time available to you during any given day When: In the next ten (10) minutes Where: At your desk / table Why: To identify the types of time and how the types can be used How: Through the construction of a model Time In A Bottle Elements: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

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Notes Exercise: Time In A Bottle (Continued) For the model of time that was constructed How were priority tasks illustrated? What characteristics did all of the time elements have in common? Are the characteristics different for different people?

Time Management
Can you really Manage Time? Are you able to arrange for more than: 24 hours in a day? 60 minutes in an hour? 60 seconds in a minute? Time Management is actually a misnomer. Attempting to manage time would be like asking someone to manage the direction north.

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Keeping a Daily Time Log for several days helps you to understand how you spend your time, and when you perform at your best. Without modifying your behavior any further than you have to, note down the things you do as you do them on the daily time log. Every time you change activities, whether opening mail, working, making coffee, gossiping with colleagues or whatever, note down the time of the change. Learning from Your Daily Time Log Once you have logged your time for a few days, analyze the daily time log. You may be alarmed to see the length of time you spend doing low value jobs! You may also see that you are energetic in some parts of the day, and flat in other parts. A lot of this can depend on the rest breaks you take, the times and amounts you eat, and quality of your nutrition. The daily time log gives you some basis for experimenting with these variables (called peaks and valleys). Key points: Daily time logs are useful tools for auditing the way that you use your time. They can also help you to track changes in your energy, alertness and effectiveness throughout the day. By analyzing your daily time log you will be able to identify and eliminate time-wasting or low-yield jobs. You will also know the times of day at which you are most effective, so that you can carry out your most important tasks during these times.

Types Of Time
The Good News: There are portions of our work day that are within our control. The Bad News: There are portions of our work day that are not within our control. How do we tell the difference between those times we are in control and those times when we are not in control? Through the use of a daily time log (see appendix).

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System Imposed Time Is used to accommodate requests from peers for active support. Neglecting these requests will also result in penalties, though not always as direct or swift. Examples are: red tape, bureaucracy, and adminstrivia Boss Imposed Time Is used to accomplish those activities that the boss requires and that the employee cannot disregard without direct and swift penalty. The time we spend doing things we would not be doing if we did not have bosses. Self-Imposed (Discretionary) Time whats left over Is used to do those things that the employee originates or agrees to do. A certain portion of this kind of time, however, will be taken on by peers as part of their self-imposed time. The remaining portion will be the employees own and is called discretionary time. Self-imposed time is not subject to penalty since neither the boss nor the system can discipline the employee for not doing what they didn't know he had intended to do in the first place


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You have kept your Daily Time Log for at least a week, are aware of your daily peaks and valleys, and are reducing the number of top time wasters (see appendix) affecting you.

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Three Things
That all supervisors and managers need to ensure their employees have to be successful in their job tasks: The employee has the knowledge and ability to do the job The employee has the necessary job-specific training to do the job The employee has the necessary resources to do the job

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From Worker
Performs Work Provides Service Receives Reward

To Manager
Plans Work With Others Implements Plans For Own & Employee Performance Facilitates Employee Performance Assists in the Measurement of Productivity

Implements or Assists in the Performance Reward System

Group Activity
Look at the forehead of the person next to you What do you see? Why is it there?

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Biology, or Environment?
In general psychology courses, we always hear, Is it nature, or is it nurture? Whether the behaviors we are observing are based on the biology (genetic), or on the environmental (enculturation) affects on the individual, the answer is Yes!


Who We Are, How We Are

Have you ever asked yourself, Who am I? How did you answer? Were you satisfied with your answer? How did you know what you answered was correct? What criteria did you use? To be able to manage others, we first must know ourselves. We can get to know ourselves better through increasing our self awareness. Increasing our self-awareness can be accomplished through introspection, administration of psychological instruments, or through professional assessments. A good tool to use for introspection is a daily journal. Typical questions you might ask yourself (introspection) are: How do I make decisions? Why do I make decisions like that? Is there a specific methodology, or path that I take to arrive at decisions? Do I use different decision methodologies if the issue is critical? How do I determine whether an issue is critical?

Group Activity
Orientations Inventory Go to handout and follow directions for administering and completing the Orientations Inventory Check Step: On page 5, the two sums, when added together should equal 59

"Always make sure people are aware of your knowledge and skills, of what you can do specifically for them." - Anon

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Humanistic Model Beliefs

Human Relations The six most important words: "I admit I made a mistake." The five most important words: "You did a good job." The four most important words: "What is your opinion?" The three most important words: "If you please." The two most important words: "Thank you," The one most important word: "We" The least most important word: "I"



Behavioral Intentions Behavior

Henry Marshs Model

Needs LOVE Life Feeling Important Variety

Belief Window Personal Truths



Henry Marsh is one of the greatest U.S. steeplechasers of all-time, Henry Marsh still holds the American record in the event (8:09.17 in 1985).

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Notes Psychoanalytical Model

Heredity Environment Decisions (Made)


Feelings Ideas Behavior

Motivation Ability Role Perception Situational Factors (MARS) Model

Role Perception s Individual Behavior and Results Ability Situational Factors

Values Personality Perceptions Emotions Attitudes Stress


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Sample Definitions of Mentoring
Dealing with individuals in terms of their total personality in order to advise, counsel, and/or guide them with regard to problems that may be resolved by legal, scientific, clinical, spiritual, and/or other professional principles.

The process in which an experienced colleague is assigned to an inexperienced individual and assists in a training or general support role.

A form of teaching that includes walking alongside the person you are teaching and inviting him or her to learn from your example.

"Off-line help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking."
Clutterbuck, D & Megginson, D, Mentoring Executives and Directors (1999)

What definition do you use to describe mentoring? What is the difference between the, experienced colleague and the, inexperienced individual ? What do the terms experienced and inexperienced mean in reference to mentoring? Could you be a workplace mentor? How? Why?

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Four Commitments Of Mentoring

A person cannot lead others without first learning how to lead oneself. A mentor cannot mentor others without first having been mentored successfully. It is in knowing thyself and recognizing your own strengths AND weaknesses that authentic leadership begins. It is in the experience of seek and you shall find; ask and you shall receive that we learn the wisdom of life and powerful strategies to help others. Mentoring will require four commitments from you: 1. Self-discipline to complete all the activities your mentor provides. Each activity will help you explore a part of yourself that you may not have thought about before. 2. Keeping a journal. All activities, as well as other reflections, should be kept in a journal. It is recommended that you continue writing the journal beyond the completion of your mentoring program. Journaling can help you reflect on who you are in the world and how life impacts you. At the beginning of your journal, label 3-5 pages with Mentoring Needs. On the Mentoring Needs pages you will accumulate a list of mentoring needs, which will present themselves as you progress through your mentoring activities. 3. Design a support group of three other people that you can call on as you progress through your mentoring program. The members of this group can serve you in the following ways: o As your point of accountability. You need to tell someone that you are doing a specific exercise and that you want him or her to check up on you to be certain you have completed it by a date certain. Select someone who can motivate you.

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Four Required Commitments Of Mentoring (Continued)

o As your confidant. There will be things that come to you through your reflections that you may want to talk about. Such conversations may be very personal. Select someone you can trust in those moments. o As your cheerleader. There may be times you will want to not follow through with this course. Select someone who will remind you of your vision as you begin this course. Exercise: My Support Group Identify your support group in your journal. As you progress through your mentor program, lean on these people to help you in your personal and professional growth.

4. On a daily basis, ask yourself the following questions in the morning and in the evening. Asking these questions will set you on a healthy path of proactive noticing of you in the world. The questions can simply be a mental exercise that takes about 3-5 minutes in the morning and evening OR you can journal your responses. The key is to develop a pattern of consistent questions that empower you on a daily basis.

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Notes Morning Empowerment Questions 1. What am I excited about in my life now? What about that makes me excited? How does that make me feel? 2. What am I grateful about in my life now? What about that makes me grateful? How does that make me feel? 3. What am I enjoying most in my life right now? What about that do I enjoy? How does that make me feel? 4. What am I committed to in my life right now? What about that makes me committed? How does that make me feel? 5. Who do I love? Who loves me? What about that makes me loving? How does that make me feel? Evening Empowerment Questions (Robbins, 1991) 1. What have I given today? 2. What did I learn today?
- -- Edward DeBono

3. How has today added to the quality of my life? 4. How did I contribute to others today? 5. How did I show my love and compassion for others today?

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Think Sideways


What is mentoring? Why is it important to you?

A mentor is generally considered a more experienced person who alternately functions as a coach, counselor, and a teacher. The mentoring relationship has many functions:

Enhance skill and intellectual development, Welcome and facilitate entry and advancement in the work situation, Expand horizons and perspectives, Acquaint the mentee with values, customs, resources, and professional connections, Model the professional role, Advise, give moral support and build confidence, Furnish a relatively objective assessment of strengths and weaknesses, Define the newly emerging self and to encourage the dream.

Mentoring is carried on in informal and formal ways. Mentoring can be done through facilitation by another individual or through self-facilitation. Completing a mentoring program can put you on the path to successful adulthood, a promising professional life, and a healthy, integrated personal approach to life Informal mentoring Most people experience the informal happenstance mentoring throughout a lifetime. Lucky mentees are chosen by persons who take a special interest in them and promote their personal or career development. A major problem with informal mentoring is that women and minorities are the least likely to be adopted by a mentor. The old boys network for promising young men, especially white, middle class men, has not yet been fully adapted for other deserving candidates. Thus the reason for the development of more formal mentoring programs and services.

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Notes Formal mentoring Formal mentoring programs vary in scope and design. Some are sophisticated programs with staffs for training and monitoring progress; others are volunteer-led networks for supporting mentors and mentees. Professional associations and business are likely sponsors of mentoring networks. Personal coaches, like a personal trainer, are available for hire by either a corporate professional development department for promising career candidates OR by an individual who is determined to fulfill career dreams. Self-Facilitation or Mentoring Self-Management Program Through self-facilitation or self-management, mentees identify, understand, and use their unique developmental patterns to manage their own mentoring. In other words, by observing yourself objectively, and reflecting on what you observe, you can determine exactly what you need to overcome your next developmental challenge. A mentoring self-management program places the responsibility onto the mentee and expands the notion of mentoring to include peers, parents and siblings, biographies, illuminating materials and media, reflection on field experiences and serial mentoring.

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Notes There are two types of self-management: Passive and Proactive. Passive self-management occurs when you put yourself in a situation where things will happen to you, which you believe will be empowering. By placing yourself in certain situations, you are provided with experiences, which affect you more or less profoundly. When you choose to enroll in a course or to work in a particular environment, you are practicing passive self-management. Proactive self-management occurs when you consciously choose to alter your behaviorto interrupt how you normally do things, believing this can benefit you. You may choose to speak or listen or behave in a new way. You take the initiativeit is your idea, your choice, your action. For example, choosing to exercise is proactive self-management for a person who may normally be inactive. Choosing to wear a different style of clothing may alter how people respond to you. Beginning meditation, expressing feelings you usually hide, or sharing secrets are all examples of proactive self-management. This proactive self-management focus allows you to work through all the barriers you internally create to resist change in behavior. Using your conscious will in pursuit of a personal goal is the thing that gives you the energy to keep on the path of pursuit. As you become more proactive in your life, you will also become stronger. As you pursue your career, you will ultimately be in a profession where you must mentor and lead others. For a mentor-in-training, self-management is essential. You need to take on training yourself to be fully conscious and as aware as possible. This self-management training needs to become a life practice, focused on looking for ways of continuous self-improvement.

"Change your thoughts and you change the world." - -- Harold R. Mcalindon, Writer

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Coaching, as defined by the Coaches Training Institute (CTI), is a powerful alliance designed to forward and enhance the lifelong process of human learning, effectiveness and fulfillment. A coach is someone who will help you articulate your goals, define strategies and plans, hold a vision of you in full expression and success, and challenge you to achieve that vision. So you and your coach become powerful participants in a team that is committed to deepening your learning and forwarding the progress toward your professional and personal goals.


Some Definitions Of Coaching

An alliance between two equals for the purpose of meeting the client's needs" - Co-Active Coaching, Laura Whitworth "Professional Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life." - The International Coach Federation (ICF) "Coaching is a professional relationship that enhances the client's ability to get clear, to focus on learning, making changes, achieving desired objectives and experiencing fulfillment." - The Association of Personal and Professional Coaches "Coaching is a collaborative process that amplifies and accelerates self-discovery, promotes clarity, creativity and choice, and helps people achieve--and often exceed--their goals more quickly and more efficiently than they would without the partnership of a coach." - The Academy for Coach Training (ACT)

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Knowledge: As a coach you need to know What coaching means and what distinguishes coaching as distinct from other learning and helping roles What the coaching process involves and what coaching models underpin your role as a coach Where coaching fits within wider developmental processes (particular within organizations) What personal and professional capabilities the coachee needs to develop How to manage the coaching relationship and to set clear boundaries How people respond to, manage and resist change How people learn and adapt coaching to suit different learning styles The limits and boundaries of your own practice Skills: As a coach you need to be able to Actively listen and communicate at different levels Employ your intuition Creatively ask questions Influence with integrity Give feedback artfully Be empathic in face of setbacks Demonstrate confidence in self and coachee Be compassionate Work openly and collaboratively Challenge he coachee Help the coachee engage in problem-solving Facilitate goal-setting & generation of own strategies Focus on action Inspire persistence Act in the best interests of the coachee Network and access resources Manage self Demonstrate passion Act ethically and with the highest integrity

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Notes Core Coaching Capabilities (Continued) Behaviors: As a coach you should Demonstrate empathy and build rapport Promote and facilitate excellence Inspire curiosity to open up new horizons Encourage self-discovery Act as a role model Be non-judgmental Posses a sense of humor and use appropriately Value diversity and difference Show tact and diplomacy Maintain trust and confidentiality Signpost client to other sources of support Seek opportunities to build clients confidence and self esteem Critically evaluate own practice Engage in continuous professional development (CPD) Share learning with clients and peers and the wider coaching community
(Association of Coaching)

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The Six-Step Coaching Model

1. Assess where the person is now. Skills Job knowledge Attitude and satisfaction 2. Determine the individuals goals and expectations Reasonable Measurable Quantifiable Attainable On a realistic timeline 3. Develop a plan to achieve the goals What How When

4. Implement the plan Take action. Take chances 5. Evaluate the performance Measure against the standard. 6. Provide feedback: how and when Focus on continuous improvement.

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Preparing For Coaching
Ten Steps For One-On-One Coaching Instructions: Use this SkillGuide to complete the first of 10 critical steps in preparation for a one-on-one coaching session Phase 1: Find the Facts What was covered in previous sessions? What goals were set? 1. 2. 3. Have I qualified the results? Have I talked with: other peers other coaches? Do I have a current evaluation of this person? What are the goals of this session? 1. 2. 3. What action would I like to see as a result of this session? Phase 2: Set the stage Praise what they do well, identify the problem. Describe the challenge, opportunity, or growth. Communicate your expectations for the session. Phase 3: Define the challenge/problem Listen actively, ask questions, reflect and paraphrase. Let them vent (let them finish and manage your reactions). Offer your perceptions as a guide, dont be judgmental. Describe their behavior only (objective, descriptive, specific).
Source: Implementing the Coaching Model


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Notes Phase 4: Get agreement on the facts Clarify and summarize. Phase 5: Search for options Ask questions and listen. Encourage them to come up with solutions. Guide them to other options (not offering your solution). Phase 6: Prioritize the options Rank and evaluate the consequences. Phase 7: Develop an action plan Write specific steps that need to be taken. Define activities and when the training will begin. Phase 8: Define the timelines Be specific. Phase 9: Praise them once more before they leave the office Let them know you appreciate their contributions. Leave on an "up note". Phase 10: Follow-up. Monitor milestones, redirect and reassess. Begin the coaching cycle again.

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Goals Need To Be SMART
Specific Focused, defined, certain, identifiable detailed Use the Hold My Focus Worksheet located in the Appendix Measurable Quantifiable, assessable, detectable, significant Achiveable Within the capabilities of the individual. Challenging, yet able to achive success Realistic Within the individuals bounds of achivement Not an ideal or dream, but something that is tangible Time-bound Time urgent A goal without a time urgency is a dream, or ideal Use the Goal-Setting Worksheet located in the Appendix Notes

When discussing goals, ensure that the goals are written in plain language, captured the way the coachee states them. Writing down goals increases the probability that they will be achieved by 33 percent. Sharing goals with another increases the probability that they will be achieved by an additional 33 percent (Coachville.com).

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Using the goals identified in Step 2, cooperatively work with the coachee to develop a realistic plan to achieve the goal(s). Use the Annual Life Planner Worksheet located in the Appendix The goal achievement plan should include the parameters of time line with milestones, cost/resources needed, and the level of quality/specific scope necessary to achieve the goals. Goal achievement plans require the coach and coachee to do three things to e successful: Communicate, Communicate, Communicate. Communicate honestly and frequently with the coachee to ensure a clear understanding of the boundaries and requirements of each goal Communicate honestly and frequently to ensure a clear understanding of goal expectations Communicate honestly and frequently to ensure a clear understanding of the level of respect that each of you have for the others commitment to the coaching Working with the coachee, examine the coachees level of commitment, dedication of time, and level of passion to achieving the goal. Working within these parameters a realistic timeline of accomplishment can be developed and agreed upon. Use the Action Plan sheet located in the Appendix to assist you in formulating the coachees plan.

"Change your thoughts and you change the world." - -- Harold R. Mcalindon, Writer

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Identifying the coachees goals and developing an achievement plan are only a part of the coaching process. The plan must be implemented and evaluated for its level of success.


Implementing the plan involves: Continuing the coach-coachee communication in the form of feedback, continuing clarification of the goals and objectives Monitoring milestone achievement and the level of achievement attained Monitoring and reviewing resource usage ensuring that resources are not depleted prior to goal attainment Saying what you will do, doing what you say, and documenting the results Implementing the plan continues to build the level of trust between the coach and coachee, through continued honest and frequent communication. A daily checkin with the coachee, lasting no more than five minutes, allows the coach to be present and available for the coachee. The daily availability of the coach provides the coachee with an opportunity to announce the level of success achieved towards the goals, if there is any need to adjust milestones or the timeline. Continuing and even increasing the level of communication during the plan implementation is essential for the success of the coachee.

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Make it private, make it positive
When evaluating your coachee, use the two-minute challenge: State what you have observed Wait for a response Be aware of sidetracks Do not allow yourself to be taken off focus Ask for a specific solution Demand specifics, do not settle for stories Ask again for a specific solution Agree together on a specific solution
(Source: The Practical Coach video)

Allow the coachee to self-evaluate their progress towards their goals. Assist the coachee in remaining real in their self-evaluation through an analysis of the challenges they are facing, the hurdles they have already cleared and what they may see on the path ahead of them in attaining the goals. The evaluate performance step is one of the most challenging for coaches and coaches alike. This is not a time to accept excuses, become sidetracked, or allow the coachee to settle for less than what they agreed upon during the goal-setting step.

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Catch them doing things right
Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson, The One Minute Manager


When providing the coachee with feedback on their performance, reiterate your usage of the two-minute challenge: State what you have observed Wait for a response Be aware of sidetracks Do not allow yourself to be taken off focus Ask for a specific solution Demand specifics, do not settle for stories Ask again for a specific solution Agree together on a specific solution
(Source: The Practical Coach video)

Remain consistent and honest in your communication with the coachee. Both the coach and coachees communications need to remain honest, consistent, and realistic. The providing feedback step is not a time to alter the goals, the milestones, or the levels of achievement necessary to be successful. Ensure that you, as coach, actively listen and observe the coachees reaction and responses to your feedback. Is the coachee receptive to the feedback? Is the coachee able to use the feedback you are providing? Coaching is a two-way street, both of you will learn valuable experiences that can be beneficial to your futures.
"I have found that being honest is the best technique I can use. Right up front, tell people what you're trying to accomplish, and what you're willing to sacrifice to accomplish it." - Lee Iacocca

Activity: Coaching Role Play

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How is coaching and mentoring different from supervision?
Supervision is the process of employee development, management, and evaluation which is used by a boss. People can grow as a result of supervision, at least to the point that the possibility of losing one's job is a motivation for growth. Learning in a supervisory situation is often a very high risk circumstance. If an employee shares his weaknesses, or her needs with a supervisor, they risk poor evaluations and dismissal. That is why supervision is often not very effective. The risk taking needed for learning and growth are not likely to occur.

Very progressive managers who are also effective leaders can be somewhat more successful in prompting professional growth in their employees, but leadership requires "followership". Leadership implies an "attracting" or "pulling" influence, and followership suggests that employees are drawn toward something, but have some degree of choice as to whether they follow the leader and whether they grow or not. Anyone who has tried to lead others knows just how true that is. Marilyn Ferguson states it so well. "The gate to change is locked on the inside."

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How is coaching and mentoring different from supervision? (Continued)

High Impact Mentoring and Coaching" is designed to be very separate from supervision. This approach to mentoring and coaching frames the mentor/coach as a highly effective leader WORTH following. In other words, "High Impact" mentors and coaches are MODELS and MAGNETS of best practices, increased performance, and greater results. People are attracted to them. Also, this conception includes explicitly understanding that the employee who works with a mentor or a coach must choose: 1. To defer to the greater experience of a mentor 2. To learn through others' experiences and mistakes and avoid learning by trial and error 3. To take the risks of discussing their own weaknesses and needs and of learning in front of someone more senior. Choosing to act that way takes a very special circumstance and relationship, and that is why mentoring and coaching must NOT overlap evaluation and supervision. Certainly supervisors MUST be trained and expected to also act as mentors and coaches. Those skills will improve their ability as supervisors and the results of their supervision. However, we ALSO need non-supervisory relationships between mentors/coaches and the employees who are their protgs, if we expect to dramatically accelerate the learning and performance within our organizations.
Retrieved from: http://www.mentoringassociation.org/FAQs.html#anchor128231337, 4 April 2006

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Clean Sweep Program

(Source: Coach University, http://www.coachu.com)

The Clean Sweep Program consists of 100 items that monitor the coachees Physical Environment (Work and Home) Health & Emotional Balance Money (Financials) Relationships (Personal and Professional) These four key areas provide balance and minimize the drag of daily living and work. When issues are on your mind, you are unable to donate the full amount of time necessary to do your job effectively and efficiently; When you are feeling healthy, have positive relationships, reduced financial worries, and you can appreciate your relationships can influence the outcomes in your personal and professional lives. You can now dedicate your full focus to what matters your occupation and your personal life. The Clean Sweep Program is a great way to monitor quality of life and the level of outcomes possible.

"I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot . . . and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." -- Michael Jordan

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Daily Time Log Top Time Wasters Time Management, The Leadership Center At Washington State University Work Habit Personalities Philosophy of Managing Your Time Ways To Save Time Management Time: Whos Got The Monkey? Action Plan

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Bass, Bernard, Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: A Survey of Theory and Research, New York: Free Press, 1989. Bass, Bernard, From Transactional to Transformational Leadership: Learning to Share the Vision, Organizational Dynamics, Winter 1990 Bateman, T.S., & Snell, S.A. (2004), Management: The New Competitive Landscape (6th ed), New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin Belilos, Claire, Cross Training as a Motivational Tool, CHIC Hospitality/http://www.easytraining.com/crosstrain.htm, retrieved March 12, 2001 Blanchard, K., Carlos, J., & Randolph, A. (1996), Empowerment Takes More Than A Minute, New York, MJF Books Blanchard, K. and Hersey, P., (1982), Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources (4th Ed.), Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Blake, Robert R. and Jane S. Mouton (1985). The Managerial Grid III: The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co Brassard, Michael and Ritter, Diane (1995). The Memory Jogger II: A Pocket Guide of Tools for Continuous Improvement & Effective Planning. Methuen, MA, GOAL/QPC Capezio, Peter & Morehouse, Debra (1996). Taking Aim On Leadership. Shawnee Mission, KS. National Press Publications. Clark, Don (1998). Big Dogs Leadership Pages, http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadcon.html Cummings, T. G. & Worley, C. G. (2001) Organization Development and Change (7 Edition). SouthWestern College Publishing, Thomson Learning Dessler, G. (2001). Management: Leading people and organizations in the 21 century (2 [University of Phoenix Special Edition Series]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Goldhirsch Group Inc., Sign of the cross-training times, Inc. p121(1), (December 1998) Gordon, J.R., (1999), Organizational Behavior: A Diagnostic Approach (6th Ed.), Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Iowa State University Extension Services (2000). Group Decision Making Toolkit. http://www.extension.iastate.edu/communities/tools/decisions/, retrieved May 2, 2001 Kirkman, B.L. and Rosen, B., A model of work team empowerment. In R. Woodman and W. Pasmore (eds.) (1997), Research in Organizational Change and Development 10, 131-167 Kouzes, James M. & Barry Z. Posner, (1987). The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Lien, Judy MS, MT(ASCP) DLM, CLS, Human Resources Planning: Building a case for cross-training, MLO pp 46-48 (February 2000)
st nd th



McShane, S.L. & Von Glinow, M.A. (2003). Organizational Behavior: Emerging realities for the workplace revolution (2nd Edition). McGraw-Hill Irwin Reylito A.H. Elbo, In the Workplace: Cross-training of reluctant workers, BusinessWorld (Phillippines) pBSWD8709394 (December 15, 1999) Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J.G., Osborn, R.N., (2003) Organizational Behavior (8th ed.) Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Stark, Peter B., & Flaherty, Jane, The Managers Pocket Guide to Leadership Skills (1999), HRD Press, Amherst, MA Stewart, T.A., Get with the new power game, Fortune (January 13, 1997): 58-62 Turner, Nathan W. (1996). Leading Small Groups. Judson Press


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