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RecKey V1.38 15/08/2010 Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Yagi, Kuniyoshi All Rights Reserved WWW eMail mhh02473@nifty.

com RecKey is a program which both records and plays back key strokes from the keyboard. Because this data is saved in a file, the key strokes can be played back whenever you wish. 1.Functions ----------Modes Recording Mode The input of all key strokes from the keyboard is recorded. Playback Mode Previously recorded key strokes are replayed. Save to File Mode The recorded data is saved to file. Edit Mode Because the files produced are plain text, they can easily be edited. Every possible key on the keyboard can easily be added. 2.Features ----------Key strokes are recorded to be played back later. Because the data representing the key strokes is saved as plain text, manual editing is easy. 3.Installation -------------Create the folder "C:\Program Files\RecKey", and then unzip the bundle into it. For best results, delete any previous versions first. Make sure to save previously recorded data files elsewhere first. 4.Usage ------RecKey with no parameter will start the GUI. If you give your data file a special extension, then you can associate it with RecKey, and double clicking on the data file will open the GUI and load the file. From the command line, RecKey can be invoked with the /p switch, and the data file will be loaded and replayed without the GUI appearing 5.Uninstalling -------------Delete the above folder.

RecKey places no entries in the system registry 6.Attention ----------Manual intervention during playback, via either the keyboard or mouse, will produce undesirable results. 7.History --------V1.10 - 20001/05/01 - new V1.12 - 2001/06/02 - corresponds to the length limitation of data. - support of repetition command V1.13 - 2001/07/25 - fix bug of waitforwindow command V1.20 - 2003/01/25 - support of LOCK key command - creating the shortcut file V1.25 - 2003/04/27 -support of Trace output and Auto backup options V1.27 - 2003/05/05 -support of hotkeys to play V1.30 - 2003/10/04 -support of Copy command -support of infinity loop of Repeat command V1.34 - 2004/07/01 -support of Event command -fix bug of Activate command V1.38 - 2010/08/15 -support of the extended key. -support of coemment line in script. 8.Author -------Yagi, Kuniyoshi

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