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Quantum Cryptography

Vamsi dhar .N mtan201025

Quantum Cryptography
In 1984 Bennett and Brassard describe how the quantum money idea with its basis {0,1} vs. {+,-} can be used in quantum key distribution protocol Measuring a quantum system in general disturbs it and yields incomplete information about its state before the measurement

Goals of Talk
Very brief summary of cryptography
Impact of technology

Introduce basics of quantum cryptography

Learn a little bit about quantum mechanics along the way

Explain two types of quantum crypto protocols Show how to break quantum crypto
To understand the engineering difficulties of going from theory to practice

Classical Cryptography
mputational security
Practical; widely used Examples: AES, DES, RC-4, RSA, DH

Unconditional security
Breaking is impossible Not practical for most applications Example: One-time pad Problem: Key Distribution

Lou-Chao Quantum Key Distribution

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Alice creates 2n EPR pairs in state each in state |F00>, and picks a random 2n bitstring b, Alice randomly selects n EPR pairs T for checking Eves interference, Alice performs H on the second qubit of each pair i such that bi=1, she sends the second qubit of each pair to Bob, Bob receives them and announces it, Alice announces b and T, Bob applies H on the qubits where bi=1, Alice and Bob measure their qubits in T in the Z basis, publicly share the result. If more than t errors occurred they abort, Alice and Bob consider the remaining qubits as being in superposition over all [n,m]-CSS(u,v) codes correcting any t errors. Alice measures u,v, sends result to Bob, both correct the errors and get m nearly perfect EPR pairs, Alice and Bob measure the m EPR pairs in the standard computational basis to get a shared secret-key.


Quantum key distribution

Artur Ekert (1991)

Uses Entagled Pairs. Both Alice and Bob have one of the pairs. Any attempt at eavesdropping will destroy the entanglement such that Alice and Bob will detect the interference.


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