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1)In 1938 DAVE PACKARD and BILL HEWLETT released their first product called a RESISTANCE-CAPACITY AUDIO OSCILLATOR

which tests sound eq uipment.Name the famous hollywood legend who bought the product for his movie? WALT DISNEY FOR "FANTASIA". 2)What is a WAPERWARE ? A PRODUCT WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN RELEASED BUT STATED BY IT'S COMPANY THAT IT'S GOING TO BE LAUNCHED. 3)Name the INDIAN who created the first anti-virus program RED ALERT ? NEVILLE BULSARA 4)CLIFFORD STALL dreamt of hunting a hacker who tries to break the american defense network.He wrote a book describing his dream.Name the book? A CUCKOO'S NEST. 5)In 1911 a company was formed by the merger of The Tabulating Company ,The Comp uting Scale Company and The International Time Recording Company. Name it? COMPUTER TABULATING RECORDING COMPANY.(later in 1924,renamed as IBM). 6)In word processing ,what are WIDOW and ORPHAN? WIDOW - THE LAST LINE IN A PAGE THAT JUMPS INTO NEXT. ORPHAN - THE FIRST LINE OF A PARAGRAPH WHICH IS LEFT BY THE REST OF PARAGRAPH AFTER SWITCHING TO NEW PAGE. 7)What is the unit of movement of the MOUSE? MICKY. 8)IBM 1620 HAD AN ACRONYM "CADET".Expand it? CAN'T ADD DOESN'T EVEN TRY. 9)If you are KEVORKING system or a program , what actually are u doing with it? KILLING /TERMINATING.(named after dr.death) 10)what's the name of the company which got the prestigious SANKHYA VAHINI proh ect even before it was incorpotated? IU NET.(a sub. of CANEGIE-MELLON UNIVERSITY).

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