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1. On 8th December, 1980 when Mark David Chapman assasinated John Lennon with a Smith and Wesson .

38 revolver, he was carrying a book in his pocket. Name it. ## Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. (95% got it) 2. On hitting the iceberg the Titanic sent out distress signals to four ships bu t only one was in time to assist. Name the ship. ## The Carpathia. Distress signals were sent to her other than the Virginia, the Baltic and the Titanic's sister ship Olympic. (Same with this one too) 3. If Job Charnock established Calcutta, then Henry Hudson established which cit y? ## New York.(80%) 4. This person was initially a British but later in 1955 he acquired American ci tizenship. His most famous characters made their first appearance in the book "T he Man with Two Left Feet". He was suspected to be a Nazi sympathizer. George Or well wrote a book in his defence to clear his image infront of his countrymen. I dentify him. ## P.G. Wodehouse. (60 % got it ) 5. If Tim Berners Lee is known as the "Father of the World Wide Web" then who is known as the "Father of the Internet". ## Dr. Vinton G. Cerf. ( 50%got it) 6. Agatha Christie dedicated one of her works to P.G. Wodehouse. Which one? ( Hi nt : It was a Poirot novel ) ## Halloween Party. ( Only 8 got it as far as I can recollect. Sice I had said i t was a Poirot novel I got nearly all the names of his stories) 7. In English literature who is known as the "Napoleon of Crime"? ## Macavity : The mystery Cat from the poem by T.S. Eliot and Professor Moriart y as well. ( I have accepted both since both are correct and again almost evryo ne got it) 8. With which orchestra did "Metallica" collaborate to release their album "S & M"? ## The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. ( 30% got it) 9. Which F.R.I.E.N.D.S. actor married which F.R.I.E.N.D.S. actress? ## David Schwimmer ( Ross ) married Corteney Cox ( Monica ). (5%got it, 75% didn 't know, 10% said I was an idiot......the question is wrong , remaining 10% answ ered Ross and Rachel) 10. Which French comic charcter's name in French is Tryphoon Tournesol? ## Professor Cuthbert Calculus. ( 70% got it)

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