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1. Starting off with an easy one. Complete the series and give the funda.

Alberto Ascari, Juan Fangio, Mike Hawthorn, Phil Hill, John Surtees, Niki Lauda, ______________ and _____________ ##Jody Schekter and Michael Schumacher. All the Ferrari F1 champs over the years. 2. Read Arthur Conan Doyle's Sign of Four? Then tell me who is Major Sholto named after? clue- do u know holmes' favourite sport? ##John Sholto Douglas, The 8th Marquis of Queensbury. The guy whowrote the bozing rules. And Holmes was an avid boxer. 3. Connect Jacco Eltingh, Paul Harrhuis and The Cape of Good Hope. ##Their team known as The Flying Dutchmen and the ship that is said to haunt the cape is called The Flying Dutchman. 4. Another sitter for veterans. Complete the series Sigma 6, The Screaming Abdabs, T Set, The Meggadeaths, The Architectural Abdabs, and _________________ ##Pink Floyd. All the names of the band thru the years. 5. Give the first in the series _____________, Ocean Of Storms, Fra Mauro, Hardley Rille, Descartes Highlands, Taurus Littrow ##Sea of Tranquility. The names of the Apollo expedition landing sites. From 11 to 17. 6. A question which may earn me brickbats. Connect spacebar, Andhra Pradesh, Meerabai, Ninety Degrees, Leo, Praveen Kumar, Edwina, Whales, Mansarovar, Rafiq Tarar, Two, Sirimavo Bandarnaike, Dhrishtadyumna, Himachal Pradesh and Attorney General. ##The questions which won Harsh Nawathe his 54 lakh rupees (tax excluded) on KBC 7. Complete the series againSatish Sharma, Ajit Singh, Bhajan Lal, M Veerappa Moily, H M Revanna, Ramalinga Reddy, D K Adikesavulu, M Thimmegowda, _______________ and ______________ ##Buta Singh and PV Narasimha Rao. Allthe accused in the JMM case. 8. Vijay Daman filed a request to the Thai govt to change his tourist visa to business visa. He was arrested soon. Why? ##He was shot at and stuff. He was actually Chota Rajan, since escaped from the prison. 9. Complete Marion Jones, Debbie Fergusson, _________________ ##Susanthika Jaysinghe, the first south asian woman to win an Olympic medal. She won the bronze in the 200 m with the 2 ladies getting G and S. 10. Why was pseudophedrine, a chemical that is a part of a cold medicine, in

new recently? ##It was whatcaused Andrea Radducan her medal. She was tested positive fir it.

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