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Mock Hevva Soup:(Cornwall the birth place of Social enterprise networking)

This was destined to be the final chance to get it right ,for one infamous Huer in a small fishing village of Cadgwith,: in early nineteenth century Cornwall. All of his four previous Hue and Cry perched atop the vantage point of mountain Look out, had resulted in sheer disappointment. Armed with all the courage and gut instinct from his fore fathers and a good bye kiss from his jousting and enterprising wife, the Huer,had signaled the village lot with an enthused cry of Hevva,Hevva,Hevva,with the first sighting of a red line of fish trail swimming land wards. All Hands on Deck, at work, very soon a village full of enterprising Seiners,Gutters,salters and packers had processed hundreds and hundreds of Hogs heads full of prime Cornish Pilchards(Sardine to the world) ready to tickle the discerning palettes of Catholic European countries. A hundred years ago, this tale of communication, social enterprise and networking would have been a common story, only to be emulated over and over again, during the summer pilchard fishing season all over Cornwall. Social networking works and thrives well, both in times of emerging and plummeting world economy. Commandingly equipped with what you know, it is quiet imperative to also, Who you know to get the boat of ones enterprise smooth sailing. With the democratization of social media and the emergence of a modern tribe of citizen journalists, Cornwall the birth place of Social enterprise, through community based networking and skill share (with a basic cry of Hevva) will soon become a network of individuals, who work towards making this the County that has Meat, Fish and Light all in one night! just as yesteryears. What brings you here?
@freerangechef on twitter

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