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Lord Septic : This fog is so thick. I cant see a thing out there. And my train is late!

*looks around* Crouch? CROUCH?! Crouch : *runs towards Lord Septic* Yes, sir? Lord Septic : Why am I still here? Crouch : Because your train is late, sir. *Stupid.* Lord Septic : WHAT?! Crouch : Nothing, sir. For your information, the train will be here in 15 minutes time. Lord Septic : 15 minutes? Ive been standing here, stonning for half an hour already. Crouch : JUST WAIT LAH! Lord Septic : YOU SO LOUD FOR WHAT?! I AM THE ONE AND ONLY, L-O-RD SEPTIC. LORDDDDDDDDDDDD. Rose : *walks around* Would you like a few lovely flowers, sir? Lord Septic : Who are you? Rose : My name is Rose and Im blind. And I sell flowers. I need money to buy medicine for my mum because shes sick. Crouch : Shut up. Clear off. Get lost. Lord Septic : Tell her to go or Ill throw her and her flowers under the midnight expressif it ever comes. Percy : Do not throw her, I warn you. Lord Septic : Wow, another stranger. Percy : I am NOT a stranger, I work here as a bodyguard of this railway station. Rose : Hi, Percy. Is good to see you again. Hows your day? Percy : Lets get out of here, these people are selfish. Lord Septic : SELFISH?! Crouch : What should I say after this..?

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