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1909 Harvard Classics Five-Foot Shelf of Books List of Volumes

1. Benjamin Franklin, John Woolman, William Penn 2. Plato, Epictecus, Marcus Aurelius 3. Bacon, Milton's Prose, Thomas Browne 4. Milton's Complete Poems in English 5. Emerson. Essays and English Traits 6. Burns. Poems and Songs 7. Saint Augustine, The Confessions. Thomas a Kempis, The Imitation of Christ 8. Nine Greek Dramas 9. Letters and Treatises of Cicero and Pliny 10. Adam Smith. The Wealth of Nations 11. Darwin. The Origin of Species 12. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans 13. Virgil's Aeneid 14. Cervantes. Don Quixote, Part I 15. Bunyan. The Pilgrim's Progress. Donne and Herbert. Isaak Walton 16. The Thousand and One Nights 17. Folk-Lore and Fable, Aesop, Grimm, Anderson 18. Modern English Drama 19. Goethe: Faust, Egmont, etc. Marlowe: Doctor Faustus 20. Dante. The Divine Comedy

21. Manzoni. I Promessi Sposi 22. Homer. The Odyssey 23. Dana. Two Years Before the Mast 24. Burke. On the Sublime; Reflections on the Revolution in France, etc. 25. J. S. Mill and Thomas Carlyle 26. Continental Drama 27. English Essays, Sidney to Macaulay 28. English and American Essays 29. Darwin. Voyage of the Beagle 30. Faraday, Helmholtz, Kelvin, Newcomb, etc 31. Cellini. Autobiography 32. Montaigne, Sainte-Beuve, Renan, etc. 33. Voyages and Travels 34. Descartes, Voltaire, Rosseau, Hobbes 35. Froissart, Malory, Holinshed 36. Machiavelli, More, Luther 37. Locke, Berkeley, Hume 38. Harvey, Jenner, Lister, Pasteur 39. Famous Prefaces. 40. English Poetry, 1 41. English Poetry, 2 42. English Poetry, 3 43. American Historical Documents

44. Sacred Writings, 1 45. Sacred Writings, 2 46. Elizabethan Drama, 1 47. Elizabethan Drama, 2 48. Pascal. Thoughts and Minor Works 49. Epic and Saga 50. Introduction, Reader's Guide, Indexes 51. Lectures

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