Salted Egg Crabs

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Deep fried Crab with Salted Egg yolk

Salted Egg Crab 1kg Mud Crab 1 beaten egg (to coating the crab) 500g cornstarch flour

Planta margarine 50g of cooked salted egg yolk(mashed) 15g curry leaves 10g chopped bird eye chili 1 teaspoon Sugar teaspoon of granule chicken stock

Method: 1. Cook the crab with the beaten egg. Then coated it with cornstarch flour until it completely covered. 2. In the wok, heat the oil at medium high. 3. Add the crab pieces, and deep fired them until golden brown. 4. When it s done, remove the crab and drained the excess oil. Put the crab aside. 5. To make the sauce, put 3 tablespoon of margarine in the wok at low heat until all melted. 6. Add the mashed salted egg yolk and stir constantly to prevent the sauce form burning. 7. Once the sauce start to bubble, and the curry leaves, bird eye chilli, a teaspoon of sugar, and half of teaspoon of chicken stock. Stir it well. 8. Increase the heat to high, when the sauce start to bubble around the egg, add the deep fried crab, and stir it briskly to coat it with the sauce. 9. Serve it on the plate.

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