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My name is Oscar Fernando Bedoya Corts. I was born in Neiva in April 19th, 1989. My father is Oscar Bedoya, he s forty-five years old and he works as Public Accountant in a rice mill in Neiva named PTC . My mother is Delia Corts, she s forty-one years old and she is a Public Accountant too, but she s not working actually. They are the most important persons in my life. I am twenty-two years old. I studied in Salesiano School in Neiva, elementary and high school. Five years ago, I started to study Medicine in Universidad de Caldas in Manizales. Now I am in my residency, the last year, and I hope I can finish it because I want to start working soon. Medicine is a difficult but beautiful profession and I want to be a good doctor. I like reading about several topics like Medicine, Literatureand Philosophy. I like watching psychological thrillers and terror movies. I like listening metal and rock music andI love traveling. I like all kinds of food, but my favorite food is beans. I would like to get in a Specialization program in Medicine like Pharmacology or Anesthesiology in a couple of years. I would like to work outside this country because I want to travel around the world and that is a good opportunity to do it.

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