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SECTION A (53 marks)

Simultaneous Equations, Basic[ 5 ]


Solve the simultaneous equation : y ! 3 x  2 and 2 x 2  xy  y 2 ! 2


Indices and Logarithm, Basic [ 2 ]


It is given that ln a ! x and ln b ! y . Express ln(

a 2b ) e

in terms of x and y


Remainder Factor, Basic [3]


Find the quotient when the following polynomial is divided by the given linear factor.
3x 3  8 x 2  4 x  4 , x3


Partial Fraction, Basic [ 3 ]


Factorise the denominator, and then determine the two related partial fractions with linear denominators
9x 2 x  3x  9


Quadratics, Basic [ 2 ]


Solve this equation 3 x( x  5) ! 9 x  2


Inequalities, Basic [ 3 ]


For what ranges of values x of the following inequality true ?

x2  x  2 2 x 2  5x  3


Circular Measure, Basic [ 4 ]


PQR is an arc of a circle, center Q, radius 8 cm. PS, RS are tangents to the circle at P and R and angle PQR = decimal place. P
3 T 4

. Calculate the area enclosed by PQRS. Give your answer to one [4]

3 T 4

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