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Daintree Rainforest

By Diana Siriwardena

North of Cairns Approx. 1220 sq kilometres On the world heritage list 0.2% of the landmass of Australia Over 135 million years old

Wet Tropics Usually rains 120 days per year 2013mm rain per year on average 1996- floods occurred and roads/ properties were swamped in region 1996 March 6- whole day 606mm rain fell Highest temperature- 37.6 C Lowest Temperature- 8.9 C

Aboriginal History
Traditional Indigenous owners- Kuku Yalagiri tribe Believed to have inhabited land more that 9000 years Natural world was believed to be closely linked to them and reflected on their actions. Rainforest provided all resources They have 5 seasons

Home to the highest population of primitive flora in the world Of 19 primitive plants in Australia, 12 found in the Daintree Of 38 mangrove plants in Australia, 28 found in Daintree Blue Quandos- Tall plants that hides sun from reaching plants below Burrawung palm- produces highly toxic seeds Wait a While Vine- covered with spikes Stinging tree- tiny pricks on plant cause

Daintree Rainforest holds many threatened/endangered/rare species Some well known animals- Cassowary and Estuarine crocodile Illegal to kill or injure crocodile Cassowary- vital seed disperser for plants

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