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Modifiable Risk Factors: Menopausal hormone therapyParity

Non-modifiable Risk Factors: Family history of cancer Personal history of cancer Age > 55

Stage I Cancer cells in one or both ovaries

Cancer cells shed (break off) from the main ovarian tumor

Stage II Cancer cells in tissues in the pelvis(fallopian tubes, uterus)

abnormal vaginal bleeding

Cancer cells spreads via cellular shedding into the peritoneal cavity

implantation on the peritoneal surface

invasion of the bowel and bladder

back pain, urinary urgency, constipation

Stage III Cancer cells in tissues outside the pelvis or to the regional lymph nodes (outside of liver)

block diaphragmatic lymphatics

Stage IV Cancer cells in tissuesoutside the abdomen and pelvis. (inside the liver, in the lungs, or in other organs)

ascites, bloating or a feeling of fullness, abdominal swelling, abdominal mass

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