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Between POETIC W ONDER PRODUCTIONS LINDSEY V ONA 2011 and ------------------------------------WHEREAS (ONE) The second party has requested that the first party undertake certain services in connection with the ( consise description of services ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------(TWO) The first party has agreed to undertake these services

THEREFORE it is hereby agreed and declared as follows:(ONE) The first party will undertake services to include the list below, of work to be carried out] (hereinafter referred to as the Works) (TWO) The Works will be undertaken and completed in the following order :


The Works will be completed subject to the Standard Terms and Conditions annexed and signed as relative hereto.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF Signed on behalf of Poetic Wonder Producitons . Date.

Signed on behalf of At. Date. THE DETAILS OF WORKS included in this contract are as follows. Projected TIMELINE : Payments are made in thirds : For project with estimates : 1st 3rd is due upon signing date of contract : 2nd 3rd is due upon date that work begins : 3rd 3rd is due upon completion of work provided that work is completed in compliance with agreed upon deadlines for all content as well as design draft completions or web launch completions. If client requests additional services beyond what is contracted within these terms, they are billed at the regular hourly rate of $35/hr. Work for additional services begins after final payment of initial terms is complete and begins with a new contract and deposit. Contracted Date of Start : Initial Deposit given : Determined Project Completion for all work and services : Stage one includes : Stage two includes : Stage three includes : Stage four includes : First Payment equals and is due on : 2nd Payment equals and is due on : Final Payment equals and is due on : Additional Hours equals : Includes following services :

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