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[b] [Date]

DMCA Take-Down Notice

VIA FACSIMILE [Addressee] Copyright Agent [Company] [Company Address] Re: Infringement of [Copyright Holder]'s Copyrights Our File No.: [File #]

Dear [Name of Copyright Agent]: We represent [Copyright Holder], owner of numerous federal copyright registrations protecting the visual images contained in the "[Copyrighted Property]." It has recently come to our attention that one of [Name of Web Site]'s Users has posted a video depicting images of a fake [version of Copyrighted Property] at the following address: http://www.[ insert web address].com. This posting constitutes infringing preparation of derivative works based on the copyrighted [form of Copyrighted Property] and infringing copying and distribution of images from the copyrighted [form of copyrighted property]. [Copyright Holder] has a good faith belief (in fact, knows) that the preparation of such derivative works is not authorized by [Copyright Holder], its agents, or the law. On behalf of [Copyright Holder], we hereby demand that [Name of Web Site] immediately remove the video from its website and refrain from any further infringement of our client's copyrights. The foregoing information is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, we are authorized to act on behalf of [Copyright Holder], the owner of the exclusive rights that are being infringed. Very truly yours, [Name of Attorney]

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