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2. Speak about your favourite book.. 3. Describe the favourite place in your town. 4.

Speak about the dearest member in your family. 5. Speak about the things you do to keep healthy and fit. Include references to an appropriate diet, exercise, and lifestyle. 6. Speak about your favourite holiday place. Include information about the location of the place, touristic attractions, and activities. 7. Speak about your favourite season. Include information about the changes in nature, weather, activities, and your personal reasons to consider it your favourite. 8. Speak about a party you have attended and enjoyed very much. Include information about the occasion, activities and people involved, feelings and comments. 9. Describe your childhood home. 10. Speak about a famous park or recreation area in your home country. 11. Describe something you could never give away. Ministerul Educaiei, Cercetrii i Tineretului Centrul Naional pentru Evaluare i Curriculum n nvmntul Preuniversitar Prob oral la Limba englez Teme pentru SUBIECTUL II L3 MINORITI 12. Speak about places of entertainment in your town. 13. Speak about a sporting event you have recently attended. 14. Going to university or finding a job? Speak about the advantages of each of these alternatives. 15. Speak about one of your fondest childhood memories. 16. Speak about someone you respect deeply. 17.

Speak about five qualities that characterize you. 18. Speak about how you imagine living abroad. 19. Speak about the activities that you do every day. 20. Speak about what you intend to do after graduating high school. Include information about your future career, personal life, plans for the future. 21. Speak about your favourite pastime. 22. How would you describe your life in 10 years from now?

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