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Cranial Nerves
C-I Olfactory C-II Optic C-III Oculomotor

Normal Response
Should be able to identify odors/scents in both nostrils. Should be able to read far and near object/text. PERRLA. Should be able to follow the 6 cardinal positions of gaze. Able to perform cover/uncover test correctly. Should be able to move eyes in one direction. Should be able to move his temporomandibular joint freely without pain and to be able to identify simple touches. Should be able to move eyes without difficulties. Should be able to do facial movements like raise eyebrows, puff cheeks, smile, bare teeth, and should be able to identify taste. Should be able to hear sounds in both ears. Should be able to identify taste, gag reflex should be present. Should be able to swallow well without difficulties. Should be able to move neck freely and should be able to move against resistance. Should be able to move tongue, or stick tongue out.

Patients Response

C-IV Trochlear C-V Trigeminal

C-VI Abducens C-VII Facial

C-VIII Vestibulocochlear C-IX Glossopharygeal C-X Vagus C-XI Spinal Accessory C-XII Hypoglossal

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