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ACTIVITY CLASS Hi everybody for today you will have to work in groups and develop the following activities:

1. Read the bots in brief articles -Group number 1 -HAMSTERS INVADE (page 22) -Group number 2-MOON GARDENS (page 22) -Group number 3-WORLDS FIRST BIONIC


2. Select all the verbs that you find on each article and classify them

in the following way, for example:


Past Announced

Meaning anunciar

3. Try to do the articles translation without help of traductor

google 4. Send your work

Note: el trabajo debe ser enviado hoy 11 de Agosto hasta la media noche tienen plazo

Good luck see you next Thursday for the next quiz

Desarrollo activida Launch verbo presente lanzar pasado launched

Support verbo presente Having

sostener pasado supported

verbo en pasado tener presente have

Changing verbo pasado cambiar holding verbo pasado contencion presente hold

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