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Mumbai: Making their dream a reality, Gokul Kannan and Aswin Kadri, students of M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore,

designed a system which is Earth-bound. The system would help in generating electricity continuously using wind power. Kannan is the son of Mylswamy Annadurai, Project Director of Chandrayan-1, who won the awards for discovering water on the lunar surface. Kannan and Kadri won a cash prize of Rs 55,000 and certificates by a team of judges of IIT Kharagpur and American multinational, General Electric for the system, which might proved to be a boon to power-starved cities of India. Talking to The Times of India, Gokul and Aswin, who are III year BE mechanical engineering students, said that they won the award based on theoretical calculations. "Our next step is to prove it practically which we plan to do during our holidays in June," said Gokul. He also said that it was a low cost, small-scale wind turbine generator producing electricity ranging between 5KW to 7.5KW, which can be easily used in ordinary households. "Once implemented, it will certainly prove a tremendous advantage to power-starved cities of India," claimed Gokul. Talking about the inspiration to do this kind of project, Gokul said, "We felt that some major domestic problems have to be solved in India and one of them was power. Keeping this in mind we decided to take up this project which took about two-and-a-half months to complete." This project would not have been possible without the support of parents. Both the parents had left their son to work independently on their project. Annadurai said, "I left Gokul to work independently on his project with his classmate and never interfered with them. If some of the practical issues are resolved and once implemented, it is bound to prove an advantage to many parts of this country."

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