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Task 1 GRAPH:For describing a slight increase/decrease (slight /gradual /minimal /minor /marginal/ modest/ fractional)Increase / growth / climb / decrease

/ reduction/ decline /drop / fall. For describing a sharp increase/decrease (sharp / dramatic/ substantial/ rapid/ drastic/ erratic/ remarkable)Increase /gr owth/ climb/decrease/reduction/decline/drop/fall. Strong verb for increase rocket Strong verb for decrease Plummet/slump/dive/plunge For describing a peak The number of cars attained/peaked/ at 2000The no. of cars reached a peak/hit a trough/rose to a peak/ of 2000 For describing stability The number of cars flattened off/leveled off/stabilized/remainedunchanged/remain ed consistent/remained constant/remained stable at200 For describing the lowest point The number of students hit a trough/plunged to a trough of. 2000 For describing a fluctuation The number fluctuated between 1 and 3The number fluctuated wildly around 1 and 4 Some words for describing approximately About/around/approximately/well over/roughly

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