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Teaching Techniques:

After do TOV and ETR, must used it in teaching, not simply do. For example: paste the OTI in class, so that each of the students knows their position and target. Try to do long terms competition (through assessments) in class to increase students motivation. For example: girls compete with boys. Dont always give the correct answer on the whiteboard, sometime purposely write wrong answer so that students will aware with what we write, not only copy without thinking. Can do analysis of the marks for each question obtained by each students after examination to identify their area of weaknesses.

Tips in SPM / Tips when teaching Paper 1:

For Question > 1%, dont write the final answer at the space Ans: ______________. Just show the steps and leave the answer space blank. This is because if students copy final answer wrongly, they will lose the mark for final answer. Dont use the symbol to represent something if dont know the exact symbol. Use sentences to represent if not sure the correct symbol. Example: Grad = 2 m = 2 or
dy =2 dx

Wrong Correct

If the Question have > 1 mark, can give a few solutions with different answers (Examiner will choose the correct answer and give marks). Question with 1 mark only can give one answer. Example: When students dont know when to use combination, when to use permutation, tell them can put both answers if the question have > 1 marks.

For weak students, teach them use calculator. Example: Solve 53X = 25(5X 1) Teach students to press calculator to get the final answer:

log (5^(3X)) = log (25 5^(X 1)) Press <shift> <solve> <shift> <solve> to get the value for X. When students apply the formular, marks will only be given if they substitute the values. Example: If only write b2 4 a c > 0 No marks 2 (3) 4 (2)(1) > 0 Have marks because they have substitute the values Use proper language to avoid students confusion. Example: Pronounce f(x) as f of x or f at x instead of fx because students will misconcept where f(x) = fx Paper 2 Method is most important things in paper 2. If answer correct but method wrong, then 40 100% of the marks for that question will be lost. Example: If that question has 5%, answer correct but method is wrong then students will lost 2 to 5 %.

For Linear Law, axis must be correct. If have calculation, the final answer must be > 4 significant figures. For quadratic function, if question say find minimum point of a quadratic function, if question didnt mention use completing the square, then can used formula: Minimum point = (
b b , ) 2a 2a , must write down X 0

When write down function, f(x) =

For weak students, can teach inverse function using formula:

( )

) (

d +b x c a x

Graph must uniform and follow the scale. For weak students, better teach index using table. Example: Certain Year 07 04

Base Year
a c = b 100

06 04

a b
a b = c 100

c 100 (the cell where the Base Year = Certain Year, let it = 100)

For probability distribution, teach students get from calculator, final answer must have 5 decimal places, no need round off. If students dont know how to write P{X < 2}, tell them dont write, just write P{X=0} + P{X=1}.

For weak students can focus on a few topic like index number, simultaneus equation or solution of triangle, every week give them homework for these topic to help them at least pass the additional mathematics. For weak students, the topic arithmetic geometry, Example: 2, 6, 10,
(a) Find sum of 6th terms to 10th terms

Teach them to list down all the relevant terms by using calculator: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 2 6 10 14 18 Sum = 22 + 26 + 30 + 34 + 38 = 150 6th 22 7th 26 8th 30 9th 34 10th 38

Try to not write using symbol, example: S5 (Wrong symbol will lost all the marks)

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