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Young Living Essential Oil Education

Cistus Essential Oil 5 ml


Cistus (Cistus ladanifer) essential oil comes from a rose that has a soft, honey-like scent. It is believed to be the biblical rose of Sharon. Calming and uplifting, it is helpful for meditating and counseling. Traditionally, cistus has been used for respiratory support.* Cistus has an approximate ORAC of 38,648 (TE/L). TE/L is expressed as micromole Trolox equivalent per liter. ~

Medical Properties
Antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antihemorrhagic Supports sympathetic nervous system Immune stimulant

Hemorrhages Arthritis

Fragrant Influence
Calming to the nerves, elevates the emotions.

Interesting Tidbits
Cistus is also known as "rock rose" and has been studied for its effects on the regeneration of cells. ~Essential Oils Desk Reference 3rd Edition, compiled by Essential Science Publishing
Please Note: **A large percentage of essential oils marketed in the United States fall in [the] adulterated category. Anyone venturing into the world of therapy using essential oils must use the purest quality oils available. Inferior quality or adulterated oils most likely will not produce therapeutic results and could possibly be toxic. ~Essential Oils Desk Reference 3rd Edition, compiled by Essential Science Publishing.

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