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What Needs to be Done to be A Better Human Being By Dr A Jagan Mohan Reddy Institute of Public Enterprise

To be a better human being:

1. Things are to be used and people to be loved -boy scratches on car. 2. Our mind is like iron box way you live 3. Satisfaction and productivity go together 4. Pygmalion and Galatea effects 5. Non- monetory factors-motn.

6. Excedrin headache 1738 fleas conditioned. Similarly Elephants if you think you can what you think you act what you act you behave character

7. A short course is Human Relationsresources I admit that I was wrong You did a great job What do you think (covey involve) Could you please Thank you We I

8. Discover 90/10 principle e.g., spill over of coffee, how you react of what happens to you (10%) 9. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one story temper hummer a nail, hold temper pull out

1O. Communicating tactfully Story: Boss-ego-appoints cousins candidate sabha chaturyam Driver Electronic lift man with walker ultimately comes out in rain

Things we can augment or discourage their internal drive 11. The most important part in our body shoulder Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life Made for other sympathetic to the pain of others Will never forget how you made them feel

12. Pay has little to do with motivation in the work place Drive the surprising truth about what motivates us Daniel Pink 13. Increased stress levels, overwhelm and constant multi tasking often brings out the worst in people

To bring out-the best in your people : Be pro-active-dont overlook petty squabbles, speak with both sides Read between the lines be patient pay attention to what's left unspoken Dont fuel the fire A real sense of caring be specific in praise

Finally lets all work together to coordinate the opportunities and empower the organization to deliver value while creating joy for people

Sarve Jana Sukhino bhavantu

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