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Father, Do You Remember?

Let not time make us forget our past. You I called 'father' gave me nights full of misery. I was but a little boy, innocent to the core, but who knew no joy. No wrongs unnoticed, rights went unrewarded yet we seem to forget it. No. We cannot. We should not forget the nights I sat up crying. The days I ran from home too weary to withstand constant beatings with no cause. But why? I was but a little boy. Ever remember that, Father? I was innocent though illegitimate. I was a little angel. Let not the sunups and sundowns fool us to forget that past. Father, do you remember all the hell you caused for me though your throat never knew any drink? - Kimani wa Mumbi

I do dream militant dreams of taking over Kenya and showing these African politicians how it should be done I do dream radical dreams of blowing everyone away with my perceptive powers of proper governance and political responsibility I even think I'll be the one to stop rot and corruption in public offices indeed I dream of uniting Kenyans and killing nepotism But then I wake up and dig that if I dream natural dreams of being a natural citizen doing what a citizen does when s/he's natural I will have a REVOLUTION! - Kimani wa Mumbi

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