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Praise to be Almighty Allaah {SWT}.

Our beloved Sisters in Islam, Grieve Not Nor Fear, verily Allaah is with you as long you are obedient to Him. Sisters your sufferings in the hand of KUFR is undescribable, but still you are firm like mountain. We have no words to express our sorrows. We pray so that, Allaah rescues from the oppressors very soon.

InshAllaah we will Fight to free you even if it leads us toward Death. To sisters who are in ABU GHRAIB, GUANTANAMO and other prisons of the world by the hands of the KUFR, Inshallah we will free you and kill the KUFR. Sisters, you are Virtous, Modest and Chaste, inshAllaah we will not allow anyone to put a blot of ink on you. By Allaah, in His hands lie our lives and to Him is our Final return. InshAllaah we will free you from the KUFR even if it demands us to Sacrifice our wealth, families, own lives. Sisters, you are belongs to us and may Allaah distributes your pains, agony among us. We will not flick even for an inch. We are among those who Love death the way Kufr Love life. We will not Rest until we fulfill our obligation. We will stand by you like shields to protect you from every attack of KUFR, even it harms us. May Almighty Allaah {SWT} make you free or bless us martyrdom.


We ask each and every our Muslim Brothers and Sisters to make this promise, who believes in Islam, Islamic brotherhood.

Inspired by:

Brother Akmal Usmani

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