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Cervical traction is done at 30 degrees flexion and 25 pounds of weight. Lumbar traction needs a split table to overcome gravity and friction Traction is used for radicular pain and paraspinal muscle spasm Traction is contraindicated in ligamentous instability, acute injury, Rheumatoid arthritis (weak C1,2 ligaments can lead to tetraplegia), Vertebrobasilar disease (can cause locked in syndrome), spinal infecitons like Tuberculosis (pott's disease)

Surgical options Chemonucleolysis - dissolves the protruding disc Discectomy/Microdiscectomy - to relieve nerve compression Tessys method - a transforaminal endoscopic method to remove herniated discs Laminectomy - to relieve spinal stenosis or nerve compression Hemilaminectomy - to relieve spinal stenosis or nerve compression

Daily diary

First day
Objective: To be able to have our orientation and know more about the hospital. Activity: On our first day we have an orientation in the orientation we know about the hospital, the mission and vision, the facilities and services they provide and also they shown us how to do a Balance skeletal traction that our first day.

Problem encountered: The problem that we encounter is the time, we go there before 7am, without knowing that our orientation rescheduled at 1pm. So that we wait there almost 5hours!

Recommendation: I recommend that before the duty we must have the number of our c.i so that the night before the duty we must texted her to verify the information.

2nd day
Objective: To have our duty and to know more about the different types of traction and cast. Activity:

Our c.i decided that we did not go to the hospital because of the bad weather so that we stay in school, we conduct our duty in the Nlab there we have some models of different cast and traction, maam show us the different types and the indication, we also have the return demonstration on the balanced skeletal traction. Thats our second day. Problem encountered: The problem that we encountered I thinks is the bad weather we cant go to the hospital because of the bad weather, so that we didnt see the other types of cast and traction and also the gadgets..

Recommendation: The recommendation I think our school will provide an service so that it is not toxic to us to go to our respective duty.

3rd day! Last day!

Objective: to us to conduct our duty and to have our reporting successfully. Activity:

Problem encountered:


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