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Hi there and thank you for purchasing this book. I have no doubt whatsoever that by the time you are done reading this book and hopefully practicing what it teaches, you would be even more glad than I am.

Please allow me to start by saying that I am by no means an author in the sense of the word, and at such I have no writing skill, or at least I dont think I do. Therefore, please accept my apologies if my writing style is not what it should be or if it is not good enough. In undertaking to write this e-book, I only sought to make available to you, this great technique that I discovered, which has been helping me greatly in my everyday life, and which I strongly believe will also help you immensely. So please read the book and take in its information and ignore the writing style.

Long after I became conscious of this technique of mind stimulation, or prayer if you will, I put off putting it into practice, and even when I eventually did, I wasnt regular at it. Similarly when the idea came to me to write a book on this technique and make it known to whoever might be interested in knowing about it, I also fought the idea, giving all sorts of excuses and reasons why I wouldnt or couldnt.

The fact that you are reading this book now means that Higher Power prevailed as always. Having said that, I ask you to please kindly reward the effort I used in writing this book by putting to practice what you will learn on the pages of this book for it is not enough that you paid for it. While it is ultimately for your own good that you practice what you will learn here, I will feel much better knowing that my effort at writing this book has not being in vain. And perhaps more importantly, that if ever I was to be led to discover any other such technique, or perhaps anything at all that might be useful to you, I wont have any excuse not to put it into writing, seeing that you would have benefited from my previous effort.


I was in my final year of Business Administration in college when I was involved in a car accident that left me paralyzed from the waist down. I then spent five consecutive years in pain, depressed, without friends and cut off from the outside world. Add to that the fact that most times I was bed ridden from complications of my physical condition.

There was a time I went one whole year being bed ridden, and another I went eight straight months. And in all that time one thing I did almost constantly was read. I real all sorts of books, from spiritual books to religious books, to mystic books to novels to storybooks, you name it.

I read books that were 50 pages long and books that had 800 pages. And some of those 800 page books I read twice or thrice, depending on how much I liked and learnt from the book.

Apart from the fact that I have always loved to learn new things, I guess I didn't have much of an alternative to reading. I also didn't have an internet connection at home in the initial days. So I read and read and read my eyes and brains out.

One topic that has always intrigued me is the topic of the mind or brain and its potential. I had heard and watched all sorts of documentaries about what people were achieving by primarily using their mind. Luckily for me, the one friend who usually supplied me with books also had many books on the subject of the mind, and once I discovered this I insisted he bring me such books more than any other.

In all I would say that in the 5 years after my accident, I read no less than 100 books on the subject of the mind or brain. So while I may not have a PhD on the subject of the workings of the mind, I want to believe that I have paid some dues with all those books I read and at such might be in a better position to comment on the topic than many people.

When I got connected to the internet at home, it brought a whole new world to me, and it was a big relief in itself. Apart from the other advantages and good tidings to be gained from being on the internet, the 'net opened up a whole new avenue of getting more books to read. Unfortunately, by that time I had become so swamped with reading that I couldn't stand to read any more books, even more so when I had to read it off a computer screen.

This is one of the main reasons why I didn't really get to read one particular e-book I downloaded to my hard drive. In fact, I had this particular book on my PC for almost two years but I didn't read it, though I occasionally glazed over it.

Even when I had to reformat my PC, I made sure to save that book, as I somehow knew it was a special book and had some good information. It is unfortunate that it took me almost 2 years to realize how much this book would help turn my life around.

Another book that was to play a vital role in helping to turn my life around was one that I had in hard copy. My elder brother had bought it with a couple of other books. Luckily, I hadn't gotten into my "no reading mode" by that time and I read that book, twice. I had no doubt whatsoever that that book was a gold mine and it held the key to getting me out of some of the troubles I was facing, especially my having to be financially dependent on my family, which really sucked HUGE.

Despite the fact that I knew and was convinced that this book had great promise to help me, I was not in a position to make use of the information the book provided, mainly because my mind was not right. You see, my accident had done a great deal of damage to my mind, not just my body. My mind was probably more damaged than my body was, and unfortunately for me, either nobody realized this, or they didn't know what to do to help, and therefore they concentrated more on my physical needs.

I knew what I had to do to help myself, but my mind wouldn't or was in no position to tell my body and brain to do what had to be done. And so I kept on wallowing in depression and all else.


My first attempt at getting my life back on the road took place when I decided or attempted to go back and finish up my final year in college. I had decided that I was going to do it and had been doing all that was necessary to facilitate this.

However, on the fateful day that I went to the school campus to alert the necessary authorities of my intention was the very day that I had an injury from a little incident I had; call it the hazards of the physical condition. I was bed ridden for one whole year because of that injury. Finally, the injury healed almost a year to the date it happened and I started picking up where I was forced to leave off the preceding year.

My break came with quite a twist. It came when I traveled out of town for two ceremonies. My aunt had been ill for a while and then she finally died, just about the same time my elder brother was to get married, the same brother who bought that hard copy book. Both events were to take place at my hometown, some 5 hours away by road.

That was the first time I would be leaving my house on a trip since my accident, and while I was kind of scared to be going on such a long trip by road, I was glad to get out of the house. Remember that I had been cooked up in the house for five straight years, slept on the same bed for five straight years, did the same things, same routine. I had every reason to be depressed I tell you.

Anyway, the trip was to prove exceedingly beneficial to me and I greatly believe it had something to do with what you will learn in this book. One thing I should tell you is that shortly before I went on that trip, I had been trying very hard to start an internet business. I had no choice. Since I had limited mobility, an internet business or job was probably my only option if I was going to be financially independent. So I had been trying to start an internet business and even that was hard enough.

I had very little money, had no experience whatsoever, and many other obstacles that stood in my way, and perhaps the greatest of them all was my mind that was not right. After I came back from burying my aunt and attending my brothers wedding ceremony, it was as if I got a new lease on life and I had some extra energy that I didn't have before I left. I guess that's what going out for a breath of fresh air can do for you.

After I came back, I dove into my business matter with full force and it was in doing so that I picked up reading again, and it was this reading that lead me to pick up that book I had on my hard drive for almost 2 years which I didn't really read. And I read it and re-

read it. It was also at this time that I got another copy of that other hard copy book I mentioned earlier, and also reread that one.

To cut a long story short I read both books a total of 15 times each in a space of three months and apart from that I also did some brainstorming in trying to apply what was being taught in the books. All the while continuing my attempt at starting an internet business. And I was making great progress on that front too.

I really can't remember how it came to me, whether it was sudden or it came gradually, but all I know is that I remember one day the idea hit me and I felt like I had won the lottery. I had never read about the idea I had just gotten and therefore didn't know whether it was possible or if it would do any good, it was just a feeling I had deep down inside me.

I guess and believe that it was God, or Higher Power if you will, who brought that thought to me and even more so made me accept that idea, as against pushing it away as I was wont to do with many ideas and urgings that came to me, especially at that point in my life. And so slowly and gradually I continued to buy into this idea that I had received. And more importantly I actually started putting it into practice.

Ok, I bet by now you are dying to know what this great discovery I made is. Well let me start by telling what the two famous books in question are. Chances are that you have either read or heard of these books, and if you haven't then you MUST read them, for the key to fully understanding this discovery of mine lies in those books.

Even if you have read them, then I would suggest you read them again one more time as this will make the concept they teach 'fresh' in your memory and you will be able to relate to or follow my discovery when I reveal it.


The first book that I had on my hard drive is titled The Science of Getting Rich, by Mr. Wallace Wattles, and the other is called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Sound familiar? Most Probably. Well those two books are the main places where I got the inspiration for this discovery of mine. But many other books I read added directly or indirectly to this idea I got.

Where they added indirectly came into play mainly by helping me discard the many negative ideas and suggestions that were thrown at me why this technique or discovery of mine couldn't work. Whenever such thoughts came up I would occasionally remember something I read in so and so book and how what I read validated or invalidated, as the case may be, whatever negativity was being thrown at me why the technique couldn't work, and would also help strengthen something else.

If you have read either of these two books, then surely you will agree with me that the principles taught in both of them are very sound and will help any man or woman get whatever he or she desires. Well at least if that thing is not detrimental to him or her and to people around.

You can get both books free at this website. Additionally, you will find many great books on that website. Alternatively, if for any reason that site is down, you can search on any search engine for both books, and you are sure to find where to get them.

I will now phrase the main sentence in Think and Grow Rich (TAGR) that was responsible for my Idea. It is found on page 31 under the title Faith, and found in the second paragraph. It says "faith is a state of mind which may be induced or created by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind through the principle of auto-suggestion."

Take a second to let that statement sink in, I mean REALLY sink in. That basically is the definition of what faith is, and in fact it is probably the best definition of faith that I have heard. I was born and grew up in a catholic home and never in all my 'catholic' years had I really been told what faith is or had it properly defined or most importantly told HOW to have faith. I later realize that what I had been having and taught to have was actually hope, which is closely related to faith, but probably doesn't have half the potentials that faith has.

The second statement, which does the magic from the same book, is found on the fourth chapter named Autosuggestion on page 48. And on the first line it says "Autosuggestion is a term which applies to all suggestions and all self -administered stimuli which reach one's mind through the five senses. There you have it, that sums up what and where I got my discovery from.

It might not sound all that grand to you, but if you really read between the lines, and much more importantly begin to practice the technique you are about to learn and give it time to mature, and become a habit. Then you will see what I am talking about and will thank me, or more importantly thank God or Infinite Intelligence, or whatever you refer to the Higher Power as, for giving me this technique. And also for giving me the strength and grace to put it down in writing and making it available for anyone who will be willing to read and apply it, people like you.

For, I must confess, I did fight the urge to put down this discovery of mine in writing and make available to anyone who will want to learn about it. Not because I was feeling lazy or anything like that, but more because I am or can be a stubborn person, and such thoughts as what do I care if anyone would want to learn about this technique, I dont owe them anything came to me.

Recognize that I was hurting, more psychologically and perhaps emotionally, not to mention the physical part and I still had some bitterness in me. So I was not in the mood to be doing such humanitarian work.

"Autosuggestion is a term which applies to all SELF ADMINISTERED stimuli..." Going from that statement, it can imply that whatever we can do to stimulate our mind and make it do what we want, then our minds will do as we wish.

This is of course is based on the assumption that we believe what the books says, and what the scientists say, about the limitless potentials of the mind, and what The Science of Getting Rich (SOGR) says about Infinite Intelligence wanting to give us all we want, need and desire in order to live a full and fulfilling life.

There are some known effective methods or objects that can stimulate the mind. Unfortunately, some of those methods and objects are destructive. Some such destructive objects are narcotics, alcohol, fear and a few others. Some positive mind stimulants are love of a woman or man (or any object for that mater), ambition, hope and perhaps some other more purely scientific means. Well my discovery is more of an 'electronic' means if you will.

************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ NOTE:

What you have just read is the first three chapters of the book. There are nine chapters in all but I decided to give these chapters away for free so as to let you have a feel of the book before you purchase it.

The main technique that I discovered, which this book is all about, is revealed in a chapter titled The technique I Discovered and it is the fourth chapter, the very next chapter following the last one you just read.

So if for any reason you didnt get the feel of the book and the technique of using your subconscious mind to get your lifes desires, that is only because the chapters you have just read are more like a prelude. I most certainly couldnt have just written a one or two chapter book and offered it to you, that wouldnt have been right. I had to add flesh to the bone and that Is what these three chapters are about.

To get the rest of the chapters and continue reading from where you stopped in a few moments, click on this link: By the time you are done reading the whole book, you will look back and certainly be glad that you took the decision to buy the book. For your life will never be the same again. That IS the guarantee I give you (of course not forgetting the other 30-day Money back guarantee) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************

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