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How to Write the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework in Chapter 1 of a Thesis?

You are maybe confused of what to write in this part. Well, dont worry because you are not alone. I, at first, was also puzzled about this topic but researching like what you have done today will help you solve that solvable puzzle. Here are some tips when writing the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework: Theoretical Framework - In this part, you should discuss the theories and/or concepts that are useful in conceptualizing your research. It is a compilation of organized concepts or ideas. It guides the research to determine what thing will be measured and what statistical relationship will be looked for. - According to Thesis Notes, the researcher must consider the field of knowledge in which the problem statement can be categorized. Then, decides to focus on one or more theories. Tt is important to mention the theory that will be used by giving the assumptions, defining terms-concepts, identifying variables, and stating the relationship of variables and presenting hypothesis. Conceptual Framework (includes Conceptual Paradigm) - In Conceptual Framework, the researchers will identify and discuss the variables related to the problem. - The I-P-O (Input-Process-Output) will be shown here. It is the schematic diagram of the paradigm of the research. - The I-P-O diagram will show the relationship of the elements/variables therein.

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