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Thematic Concerns in Wuthering Heights

Name :Mahesh B. Dholiya Roll No. 8 Part 1, Semester 2 Year 2010 2011

Revenge as an evil for unbridled death E.g. Vengeance of Heathcliff and Hindley to each other. Inheritance as a barrier to family relationship E.g. Earnshaws bequest as a root cause of abhorrent, wrathful, hostile as well as pathetic and chaotic relationships Desire to become a greatest lady and to get social advancement- Reason for perfidiousness.


A persons behavior and different situations- The more situation suppresses a person, the more he reacts emphatically.


Heathcliff, Catherin, Hindley, Edgar Linton, etc.


Edgar Linton

Guide- Jay sir Help: spark notes and class notes Thanking you,

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