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Don's Ministry Notes

**************************************************** We continue to need financial support to maintain this ministry. God has been faithful to burden individuals when we are in financial need. It is very difficult to get churches to support this type of ministry. It would be wonderful if we had a host of regular supporters. We would be able to do so much more. We are strictly a faith ministry. **************************************************** We are seeing many prayers answered as a result of the our Prayer Warrior's Worldwide Network. It is such a blessing to have people around the world interceding for the prayer requests that we post. We appreciate the commitment of these wonderful servants of God. **************************************************** We see so many people who have allowed the enemy to feed them a lot of lies. These lies often involve their self identity. The spirits tell them they are failures, that they are not really saved, that people do not really care about them, that God is disappointed in them etc. Often there is condemnation and judgment. Many Christians receive all this as from God, which only gives the spirits greater power in their lives. It is very difficult for people to get free from their bondages when they continue to believe the lies of the enemy. **************************************************** We are so encouraged that people around the world are grabbing on to the principle of "intercessory repentance" in our newsletter entitled "True Priesthood." We have been using this principle for years to get breakthroughs in the lives of people resistent to help. **************************************************** We have been ministering to "V" for 18 months. She came to us completely non-functional. She had been in years of therapy, had been emotionally and sexually abused and was MPD/DID. It has been slow going, peeling away the layers of

bondage, but "V" has been set free and has blossomed into a vibrant Christian. She is off her medications and is a whole person! She has been given a powerful gift of discernment through visions and is now helping to minister to others. Praise the Lord, He is so good! **************************************************** We ministered to five year old "J", who was adopted from South America and has been having severe problems since coming to his new family at fifteen months old. "J" had been experiencing visitations of demons since they received him and talked about them frequently. As he grew older, he became increasingly angry and full of rage, which disrupted the household constantly. The family sought every avenue of help, visiting specialists. Finally, they were put in touch with this ministry and we ministered to "J". We have received very encouraging reports regarding "J." There has been a tremendous transformation in his life and it is being noticed at school as well as home. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!!! **************************************************** "S" came for ministry two days ago. She was bound with tremendous fears. She had been physically and emotionally abused by her dad at a young age. I could discern that she had a pure heart and that it would not be difficult to minister to her. After a short session, the Lord set her free. She was totally wiped out from the spiritual surgery performed by the Lord. She experienced peace for the first time in many years. I told her that the enemy would try to rob her of that peace in the days ahead by hitting her at her weak spot - fear. Sure enough, I got an urgent call the next day. "S" was distraught and in tears. She told me about an attack the night before and how she had to pray and read scripture all evening long until it stopped. I reminded her that she had gotten a victory and that the Lord was permitting this attack to make her strong. She had to learn to become a warrior, to resist the enemy, trusting in the Lord to be with her and strengthen her. She had not expected such an attack after such a wonderful deliverance. I reminded her that the Lord builds our faith and our character through adversity, not comfort.

After encouraging her and praying with her, she was ok once again. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness. **************************************************** I ministered to "R" over a week ago. He had come to me because he had struggled all his life with passivity and apathy most of his life. His wife was totally frustrated and his children didn't respect him. He wasn't able to take his place as the spiritual head of his home. There were three generations of this type of problem in his family. After dealing with both generational and personal sin claims, I laid hands on him and began to command the spirits out of him. They came out with a roar that lasted about two hours. You learn very quickly in this type of ministry that people get delivered in a multitude of ways. *************************************************** Ebony contacted us and said she made copies of the Warfare and Biblical prayers and gave them to members in her Bible study class. She found it a great help to learn to pray God's scripture back to Him and she appreciated all the helpful information on our site. Some of the material helped her with a problem she has struggled with for years. ********************************************************** "V" showed up at a Bible Study I was teaching last night. She was totally depressed, her countenance was dark, she could not concentrate, had trouble hearing and comprehending. She spoke in a faint voice, saying that she was having a nervous breakdown and hallucinating. She had tried to have herself admitted to a psychiatric ward of a hospital, but because she was not suicidal, they would not admit her. She was desperate. A friend had brought her. I sensed there was witchcraft working there and asked her about her birth family. Her mother, grandmother and great grandmother had the same types of problems. I ministered to her, taking authority over the spirits that were trying to destroy her. As they left, a couple of other Christians in the room experienced the vileness of these spirits. No one was harmed. What a dramatic change occurred to "V". Her countenance was bright, her mind was clear and she had a smile from ear to ear. When we parted she was experiencing

the joy of the Lord. Praise His Name!! **************************************************** I prayed for "K" on the phone a few days ago. She is being used by the Lord to minister to a number of women coming out of a homosexual lifestyle. She had been experiencing a severe swelling in the glands of her neck which reached from the front to the back of her neck on her right side. She believed she was under spiritual attack. Praise the Lord, since I prayed for her, the problems have subsided considerably. I also recommended that she have several prayer warriors intercede for her ministry, which she has done. **************************************************** I ministered to "J" today. She has been a Christian for 8 or 9 years and has been suffering physically about the same amount of time. She was not able to get much sleep at all and was constantly fatigued. Prior to her conversion, she had been seeking spiritual truth in all the wrong areas. She had been a follower of a Yoga master, living in an Ashram, and she had been under a Reiki master and had also gone to channelers and psychics. "J" had been involved in a number of occultic medical practices. When I ministered to her, she writhed like a snake and coughed and gagged as the spirits left her. It was apparent that the Lord provided her with a glorious deliverance and had begun a great healing work in her life. I look forward to how the Lord will use this dedicated woman. Her heart's desire is to serve the Lord. **************************************************** "S" came to me with numerous problems. She has been on disability for over 13 years with numerous physical problems, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She also experienced a lot of mental confusion. Her family abused alcohol and showed very little love to her as a child. They were extremely critical, controlling and manipulative. Some family members had been involved in

Christian Science and the Masonic Lodge. "S" had been involved with TM, yoga, Unity, astrology, palm reading, white witchcraft, ouija board, 8-ball game, crystals, hypnosis and she had believed many of the enemy's lies. After she received ministry her countenance changed. Many of the spirits that left her had been attacking her physical health. She was thinking much clearer and huge burden had been lifted from her. Once again God was faithful!! **************************************************** I got an e-mail from "F" today that was very encouraging. She had gone through deliverance a couple of weeks ago. She has just led a tele-marketer, who had called her, to Christ. Also, she has referred two other people to us for ministry. The Lord is amazing!! **************************************************** I had a phone call from "G" this morning. I had ministered to her six or seven years ago. She told me all the problems she has been having the last few years. A lot of her problems had been generational, coming from a domineering and controlling mother. She told me that she had returned to Catholicism and that she was praying to Mary regularly, because she needed a mother in her life that was loving. I told her that she was sinning, that there is only one mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ. I said that this was grieving the Lord and that it was idolatrous. I also said that the practice comes from the traditions of man, inspired by the enemy, not from God's word and that until she turns away from this sin, I cannot help her. Only time will tell if she is willing to give up her traditions and devote herself wholly to the Lord Jesus Christ. **************************************************** "L" will be flying in from Alabama to receive ministry. We are praying for the Lord's protection and for the Lord's will to be accomplished. ****************************************************

We have received more threats by e-mail against our ministry, saying that it will fail and be destroyed. Those that contact us will be punished. Well the Lord has protected us all these years and He has also protected those who come to us for help. He is faithful. **************************************************** The enemy has begun a new tactic against our ministry lately. The last two people we have ministered to have been battling sickness after they were set free. We are now praying against these attacks. *************************************************** We ministered to "K" today. She had been sexually abused as a child, which led into drugs and sexual perversions later on in life. There was witchcraft in past generations. She had been diagnosed as MPD, but most of her problems were demonic. Demons were masquerading as alters. Although she loves the Lord dearly, she has not been able to get victory in her life. Surprisingly, she was set free of two legions of demons! She is a strong woman who will be used by the Lord in the future. **************************************************** "DJ" was defeated and thinking about divorce. She got onto our website and became so involved with the information, and who the fight is truly with and instead of being defeated she got ammunition to fight with . Praise the Lord!! **************************************************** I got an e-mail from "D" today. Significant things have happened in her life since I saw her yesterday. After she left, she could not stop shaking all the way home. She arrived home and found out that she had received a major answer to prayer that was the desire of her heart. She says she still feels a little beat up (from the spiritual surgery), but she feels whole and her heart is light. She can't wait to see how the Lord will use her and work through her. ****************************************************

We saw "D" for the first time. She had trouble making it to our office. She had been fighting sickness for over a week, which was demonically influenced. She came in with a severe headache. Through God's power, we shut down those attacks immediately. "D" had opened her life to the enemy in her youth through using a wide range of drugs. There was generational activity there as well. The session went very smoothly and there was a significant countenance change. She was tired and at peace when she left. **************************************************** We are getting e-mails from people under the control of demons who are angry about our world-wide prayer network and its affect against them. God is hearing the prayers of His people and He is acting. Hallelujah!! **************************************************** I ministered again to "V" who was coming under attack of the enemy. All her perceptions were messed up. She was not seeing things properly or hearing correctly. She could barely speak above a whisper. They were also tormenting her and provoking her to anger. The Lord was merciful and set her free of this layer of demons. **************************************************** I ministered again to "P" who had come under severe attack over the week-end. The priest she had shared power with in Satanism had just been killed, and people from the grotto started contacting her saying it was her fault. The demons in them did not like her becoming free from their power. She was getting phone calls and e-mails from these people. But the Lord showed Himself powerful and ministered to her His marvelous grace. **************************************************** I had an opportunity to minister to "E" who had been in a terrible car accident when he was 12 which disfigured him somewhat. He had still be carrying severe fears in his life as an adult and the enemy was compounding them. During the time of ministry, he began to shake all over as I called out the spirits of fear that have tormented him for so many

years. God's love is great! **************************************************** We had our third session with "J" today, who had been involved in Satanism for 14 years. The Lord's presence and His grace was very powerfully present and we saw her set free of her bondages. The Lord has already begun His healing process in her life as well. The Lord is good!! We scheduled, today, another MPD case for Monday the 15th and are trusting the Lord for another miraculous work of deliverance and healing. **************************************************** We ministered to a woman named "V" two weeks ago. She had been in therapy for years and was diagnosed with MPD. She had been depressed and discouraged. Last night I met her and found that her personality is completely integrated! She is also completely free of her addiction to smoking. She is now bright and bubbly and shocking the psychiatric community. She now has a great desire to be used of the Lord. Praise the Lord for her healing and deliverance. **************************************************** We have begun to seek more regular supporters to help with the increasing costs of this ministry. About a week ago, we added a partnership button that leads to a support page. We have been encouraged as we have received a positive response. *************************************************** I had the privilege of praying with "P" on the phone today. She is 23 and battling hepatitis C. She has been sickly since having a tumor removed from her liver last month. I found out that she had been sexually abused as a child. So, I had her confess the sins in her family, then I broke generational claims upon her and prayed for her healing. She experience a significant touch of the Lord and I am looking forward to hearing what the Lord is doing in her life.

**************************************************** I have had two sessions with "J" to date. She has been involved with Satanism for 14 years. The first session, after we had prayed, the ruling demon took her over and she ran out the office door and down the street. We prayed for the demons to release her and then drove down the street to get her. We found her crying as she walked along the road. She could not recall how she got there and did not know where she was. Throughout that first session there was a lot of distraction, because the demons have so many claims upon her. In preparation for the second session, I prayed for the Lord to secure our office with His angels so that we might be allowed peace from the constant distractions. The Lord was gracious and we only had one minor distraction by the enemy in the beginning of the session. We were able to make some significant progress in the area of generational claims. In the middle of the week, "J" overdosed on pills in the house where she is staying. The married couple prayed that the pills would not have a detrimental effect upon her and she came through it ok. The Lord is watching over her and protecting her. We are in for the long haul. These kinds of cases require perseverance and patience. **************************************************** One of our internet counselors has been working with "L" who is in deep spiritual bondage. During each e-mail correspondence, the demons take her over and make threats against our counselor. Each time we place her on our worldwide prayer network, the demons go ballistic, even though we have made no mention of it. They are panicking because so many prayer warriors are praying for her. She is planning to come here from Alabama in December. We are praying for God's will to be done in this case. **************************************************** A husband and wife came to me for ministry. Their marriage was about to break up because of the anger and bitterness of the wife. She constantly dumped on her husband. The

Lord showed me that she was struggling with MPD which was not obvious. A single alter was carrying all her memories of childhood abuse and constantly giving her a hard time. The enemy was having a field day tormenting this alter who made the wife miserable for a number of years. We were able to minister to her and bring healing and integration to her personality through the power of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!

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