Canseco - Clipbook

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April 14, 2011: Canseco Had Not Yet Filed a Bill On April 14, 2011, Canseco had not yet filed a bill during his tenure in the House. [Caller, 4/14/11] Canseco Had a Federal and State Tax Lien Filed Against Him In 1984, Canseco had a federal tax liens and one state tax lien filed against him. The Texas state tax lien, filed on June 27, 1984, amounted to $71.79 and was issued because Canseco failed to pay Unemployment Compensation taxes. Canseco paid and fully satisfied the Texas state tax lien on September 24, 1985.
[Webb County Clerks Office]

Budget Issues
Said He Wasnt Voting to Increase Debt Limit In 2011, Canseco said that without substantial changes in federal spending, I am not voting to increase the
debt limit. He went on to state, Weve got to do something about our spending. And if we dont do something serious, we are going to pay the price. [San Antonio Express, 4/27/11]

Said He Wouldnt Support Raising the Debt Ceiling

Congressman Francisco Quico Canseco (TX-23) released the following statement after the House of Representatives overwhelmingly rejected H.R. 1954, a so-called clean debt limit increase of $2.4 trillion: No, I will not support raising the debt limit as that will not solve our spending driven debt crisis. The people of Texas sent me to Congress to end the out-ofcontrol government spending. It is time we cut up the national credit card and force government to live within its means, just like American families and small businesses do every day. [Rep. Canseco, press release, 5/31/11]

Defended Vote Against Increasing Debt Ceiling In 2011, Canseco wrote that the clean debt ceiling increase was not an option. He said that the alarming debt figures were out of control. I voted against increasing the debt limit because I strongly believe that it is time we cut up the national credit card and force government to live within its means, just like American families and small businesses do every day. Canseco said people overwhelmingly opposed increasing the nations debt limit. He wrote President Obama appears wedded to continuing the same borrow and spend policies that have gotten us into this debt crisis in the first place. We must stop spending money we dont have if we are to get our nation back on a fiscally sustainable path and get our economy back on track and creating jobs. [, 6/6/11]
Said without Significant Changes in Federal Spending He Would Not Vote to Increase Debt Limit

In 2011, Canseco threatened to vote against increasing the debt limit. Canseco said I am not voting to increase the debt limitWeve got to do something about our spending. And if we dont do something serious, we are going to pay the price. [San Antonio Express News, 4/27/11] Said Republican Budget Cut Costs by 40 Percent In 2011, Canseco said his vote for the Republican Ryan budget cut costs. It has cut costs by about 40 percent, getting rid of Obama care and at the same time, making sure there is nationwide torte reform, Canseco said. It has been tested.Medicare has a huge impact on the spiraling budget, according to the congressman, who added its either this or an eventual huge crash. If you leave it the way it is because you dont want to offend anybody, in nine years, its over and done, he said. We are on a freight train going up against a wall. You can see that wall in the distance. We have the ability of avoiding that crash. No matter what amount you tax upper-income individuals, youre never going to salvage this system by taxing. [San Antonio Express-News, 5/5/11] Constituent Expressed Concern for Care for Elderly In 2011, Canseco was told by a nursing home constituent Marilyn Harrington said that there had already been two cuts to Medicaid funding. Ive heard some discussions about the possibility of sending all of the Medicaid responsibility to the states, then letting the states take care of it. A concern I have is Texas ranks 49th now. According to Harrington, if the proposed 34 percent cut in Medicaid becomes a reality, 896 nursing homes out of the 1,054 in Texas would close. And that equates to more than 63,000 people, who will lose their care because they cant afford to stay in the nursing home any longer, Harrington said. I worry about our elders. These people have worked all their lives and saved their money. What Im saying is that Texas doesnt fund it now, and without the federal money, even with a 10 percent cut, therell be thousands of patients forced out of these facilities. [San Antonio Express-News, 5/5/11] Canseco Suggested Nursing Home Seek Charity in Face of Cuts In 2011 Canseco said if tax rates went down, more businesses would hire people. That means having more money to give to charitable organizations like yours to help out, Canseco told Harrington. Ive seen charitable organizations do a remarkable job of being able to fund and take care of people who are truly needy at a very low cost.They can bring in a lot of people, who do their work voluntarily and do it efficiently, and better than government-run operations. [San
Antonio Express-News, 5/5/11]

Said He Wouldnt Vote to Raise Debt Ceiling Without Changes in Federal Spending In 2011, Canseco said he wouldnt vote to raise the debt ceiling without substantial changes in federal spending, I am not voting to increase the debt limit. Weve got to do something about our spending. And if we dont do something serious, we are going to pay the price, Canseco said. [San Antonio Express, 4/27/11] Introduced Amendment to Cut Funding for National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs

Canseco introduced amendment #249, which advocated for eliminating $4.5 million in funding for the National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs. [Washington Post, 2/18/11] Blamed Senate for Shutdown, Said He Did Everything in Power to Keep Government Open In 2011, with a shutdown looming Canseco, elected with tea party backing was in the pro-confrontation camp. Canseco declined interview requests, but said at a news conference that the Senate was reckless. We are doing everything in our power to keep this government open, Canseco said. [Dallas Morning News, 4/5/11] Signed Letter Asking Reid to Step Down if He Couldnt Come Up with Acceptable Continuing Resolution In April 2011, Canseco was one of the 70 members who signed a letter to Reid asking him to step down if could not make an acceptable plan for a continuing resolution. [Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/5/11] Criticized Senate for Not Making Deeper Budget Cuts In 2011, Canseco called on Senate Democrats to make deeper cuts to budget in ordered to avert a government shutdown. He said Now its time for Harry Reid and the Senate to do their job. The American people sent us into the Congress of the United States to do the peoples job, and we have done it, Canseco said. Were here to implore the Senate to do something. If theyve got enough time to go and pass bills like the March 11 national or international plumbing day, then they can certainly look at our continuing resolution. [San Antonio Express-News, 3/30/11; Politico, 3/30/11] Said Economic Recovery could not be Bought In his opening statement in the House Financial Services Committee Canseco said Just like the Beatles sang you cant buy me love, you cant buy an economic recovery. [CNN Money, 3/2/11] Priorities Were Cutting Government Spending and the Economy In February 2011, Canseco said his priorities were cutting government spending, and stimulating the U.S. economy. [KSAT, accessed 2/7/11] Canseco Threatened to Vote Against Raising Federal Debt Ceiling Canseco voiced his opposition to raising the federal debt ceiling, saying he would not vote to raise the debt ceiling unless major changes are made in the federal spending. [Houston Chronicle, 1/04/11] Top White House Economic Adviser: Not Raising Debt Ceiling Would Be Catastrophic During an interview with ABCs This Week, top White House economic advisor Austan Goolsbee said that congressional failure to rise the nations debt limit early this year would be catastrophic.

The impact on the economy would be catastrophic. I mean, that would be a worse financial economic crisis than anything we saw in 2008If we get to the point where youve damaged the full faith and credit of the United States, that would be the first default in history caused purely by insanity, he said. [The Hill, 1/02/11] Advocated for Cutting Arts Program so America did not Become the Next Greece In a 2011 floor statement Canseco said his amendment to HR 1 would eliminate Federal funding for the National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs grant program. The program provided supported cultural programs in the District of Columbia. He noted that President Obama favored cutting the program by 50 percent. He also said even before President Obama our Nation was headed for a day of fiscal reckoning. He said America could get into a situation like Greece. He said We have two choices: we can either stop the spending that is driving our fiscal crisis, or we can continue the spending and one day become the next Greece. [Canseco Floor Remarks
on Canseco Amendment to HR 1, 2/16/11]

Opposed Raising the Debt Ceiling, Saying He Would Roll the Dice On It In a 2011 interview on Fox Business, Canseco said that he would oppose voting for raising the debt ceiling: MCSHANE: Would you ever vote to not raise the debt ceiling? CANSECO: I am not in favor of voting for that debt ceiling this time. MCSHANE: ...You can see a scenario, in other words, where your vote would not be in favor of raising the debt ceiling? You would roll the dice on it? CANSECO: I would roll the dice on it. [, 1/13/11]

Business and Consumer Issues

Wrote that the Government Hurt Job Creation and He Would Jump Start the Economy with Private Sector Solutions In March 2011, Canseco wrote that although new jobs were being created, the Obama Administrations plan did not turn the economy around. He wrote that for people in the 23rd District of Texas, the recession continued. He wrote that the government halted job creation leading to 2.45 million lost jobs as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and 21 months of unemployment at 9 percent or higher, the longest streak since the Great Depression. He wrote that the White House had failed policies like the failed stimulus, government take-over of health care and the over burdensome Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill.

Canseco pledged to promote free market, private sector solutions to job creation. He wrote that he would rein in spending, lower the national debt, simplify the tax code and end burdensome regulations. [Op-ed,
Rep. Canseco, Alpine Avalanche, 3/17/11]

Columnist Accused Canseco of Misrepresenting Economic Facts In March 2011 column, Columnist Mary Bell Lockhart accused Canseco of using National Republican party rhetoric and false facts to misrepresent the state of the economy. She pointed out that when Canseco wrote This approach has halted job creation, leading to 2.45 million lost jobs, he was using the number of jobs lost before the economic recovery programs were implemented. She also wrote that Republicans implemented the policies that got America into a financial crisis. [Columnist, Mary Bell Lockhart, Alpine Avalanche, 3/17/11] Spoke in Favor of H. Res. 72 and Said Pecos County State Bank Faced Regulations Due to Irresponsible People In a 2011 floor statement Canseco said he supported H. Res. 72 because regulations cost money, jobs, and growth across every sector in our economy. He said banks in West Texas were forced to comply with regulations because people were irresponsible. Every time a small bank in West Texas is forced to comply with a law that came as a result of the irresponsibility of others, we lose the chance for that bank to extend a loan to an entrepreneur that is capable of creating hundreds of jobs in a small community. He went on to say that audits were costing banks a lot of money Pecos County State Bank in Fort Stockton, Texas takes in 50 percent of the deposits of that towns residents. The cost to run their annual audit is now almost four times as much as it was before the onslaught of regulations weve seen passed in the last two years. [Canseco Floor Remarks on H.Res 72, 2/10/11] Note: Unable to locate donations from bank executives Advocated for Beef Industry; Supported Trade Opportunities for U.S. Beef Products In 2011 Canseco addressed cattle raisers. He said In Texas, agriculture is a very important part of our economy, having an economic impact of about $100 billion. He went on to say The beef industry is an important component of Texas agriculture, as Texas is the number one cattle producing state and cattle sales account for approximately 40% of all agricultural sales in Texas. Cattlemen and women are an important source of economic growth in Texas, especially in rural areas. [Cattle Network, 3/24/11] Advocated for Eliminating Barriers to Trade Canseco said he worked to expand trade opportunities for U.S. products including beef.

In Texas, our economy is heavily dependent on trade. In fact, more than 1 in 5 Texas jobs depends on trade. Eliminating tariffs and other barriers through free trade agreements will expand our trading opportunities and help create jobs here at home, Canseco said. [Cattle Network, 3/24/11] Voted to Continue to Fund Government in March, 2011 In March 2011, Canseco vowed to vote against future short-term spending resolutions. This is the last short-term measure I plan to vote for, said Canseco. [Blog, San Antonio Express-News,

Campaign Finance Issues

April 2011: Campaign Debt was $1.1 Million In April 2011, it was reported that Cansecos campaign debt was the largest of the freshman class at $1.1 million. [Op-ed, Open Secrets Blog, 4/14/11]
Francisco Canseco Congress April Quarterly Report Analysis Total Raised: $213,030.16 Raised from PACs: $80,000.00 Cash on Hand: $247,593.31 Debt: $1,146,250.00 [Canseco for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11] All but One Individual Contributor from Texas Canseco received $126,603.16 in contributions from individuals. Only one $500 contribution from Doyle Beneby, the President of CPS Energy in Glen Mills, PA came from outside the state of Texas. [Canseco for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11] Accepted $3,000 from Cash Advance Company PACs Canseco received $3,000 from two cash advance companys PACs. The table below summarizes these contributions: Political Action Committee Amount Cash America International, Inc. PAC $1,000 Ace Cash Express Texas PAC $2,000 Total $3,000 [Canseco for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11] Accepted $15,500 from Banking PACs Canseco received $15,500 from PACs associated with the banking industry. The table below summarizes these contributions: Political Action Committee Bank of America PAC Credit Union Legislative Action Council (CULAC PAC) Amount $1,000 $2,000

IBAT FEDPAC $2,000 Independent Community Bankers of America PAC $1,000 Independent Community Bankers of America PAC $2,000 Mortgage Bankers Association PAC $2,000 Security Service Federal Credit Union PAC- SSFCu $500 USAA Employee PAC $5,000 Total $15,500 [Canseco for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11] Spent $1,750 on Storage Canseco spent a total of $1,750 on storage fees. The table below summarizes these expenditures: Payee Amount Date PODS $1,483.37 1/6/2011 Public Storage $89.00 1/4/2011 Public Storage $89.00 2/4/2011 Public Storage $89.00 3/4/2011 Total $1,750.37 [Canseco for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11] Over $1 Million in Campaign Loans Outstanding to Canseco Between March 2007 and April 2010, Canseco personally lent his campaigns for Congress $1,203,355 of which $1,146,250 has yet to be paid back. [Canseco for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11] Collecting Over $43,000 Per Year in Interest Canseco is charging his campaign 5 percent interest, or $43,792.75 per year, on $875,855 of the outstanding debts owed to him. [Canseco for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11] The table below shows the unpaid loans Canseco has made to his campaign: Original Amount $35,000 $25,000 $156,000 $10,000 $5,061 $12,600 $11,992 $2,540 $1,500 $300,000 $11,112 $140,000 $200,000 Paid to Date $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Loan Balance $35,000 $25,000 $156,000 $10,000 $5,061 $12,600 $11,992 $2,540 $1,500 $300,000 $11,112 $140,000 $200,000 Interest Rate 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

$4,000 $0 $4,000 0 $50,000 $0 $50,000 0 $86,000 $44,605 $41,395 0 $150,000 $10,000 $140,000 0 $2,550 $2,500 $50 0.05 $1,203,355 $57,105 $1,146,250 [Canseco for Congress, 2011 April Quarterly FEC Report, Filed 04/15/11]

Sent Fundraising Email When DCCC Attacked for Budget Cuts In March 2011, Rep. Canseco, in a letter to followers, rebuking remarks made by the DCCC. His fundraising letter read Apparently, the Democrat political operatives who run the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) didnt listen to the voters or dont care what you had to say. Thats why last week the DCCC started running negative and false attacks against me by calling thousands of households across the district. He wrote, Please stand with us as we continue to make a principled effort to stop the out-of-control spending and debt which is crushing our nation and our future. [Rep. Canseco, fundraising email, 3/1/11]
Fined by FEC Twice

Canseco was fined almost $3,000 for missing to Federal Election Commission filings in 2006 and 2008.
[Roll Call, 3/3/11]

Had Largest Amount of Debt of Any Member of Congress In February 2011, Canseco was sitting on the biggest amount of debt of any freshman member of Congress. He was in debt $1.15 million, spending $235,445 last year and the rest in 2008. [Blog, Dallas
News, 2/3/11]

Choice Crime & Public Safety Issues

Touted Bill to Change Definition of Cross-Border Violence with Sheriffs
In 2011, Canseco had a press conference with several border sheriffs about the need for a better definition of

cross-border violence. He promoted his bill and accused the Obama administration of ignoring the border violence. He said, Violence is spilling over the border from Mexico into the United States and endangering the lives and property of Americans who live along the border, despite the claims made by Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano and President Obama, Canseco said. I am introducing the Southwest Cross-border Violence Recognition Act in order to force the federal government to acknowledge the reality faced by my constituents every day who live and work along the border. [Austin
American Statesman, 6/8/11]

Headline: U.S. Rep. Francisco Quico Canseco Calls Car Bomb Inaccuracy a Technicality In 2011, Canseco inaccurately claimed in a news letter that car bombs were exploding in El Paso. The newsletter read We have seen Sheriffs and their deputies fired upon and shot at, car bombs in El Paso, ICE, DEA and Border Patrol agents killed in the line of duty. The El Paso Times reported No car bombs have exploded in El Paso, making Canseco the second elected official -- Gov. Rick Perry was the first -- to publicly misrepresent a July 15 car bomb explosion in Jurez as something that happened on the Texas side of the border. Canseco defended himself saying We should not be focusing on a technicality -- whether the car bomb happened in El Paso or within walking distance of El PasoWhat we need to focus on, is securing our border so that those that live there can feel secure. The El Paso Times reported City leaders have been trying to combat misconceptions that El Paso is dangerous. They said such comments harm the city as it works to reassure military families that El Paso is safe and looks to recruit businesses, conventions and tourists to the area. [El Paso Times, 4/19/11] Brewster County Commissioners Asked Canseco to Oppose Broadband for First Responders Act In March 2011, the Big Bend Amateur Radio Club and the Brewster County Commissioners Court agreed to write a resolution to Canseco stating their opposition to the Broadband for First Responders Act. The bill could impede the Amateur Radio Clubs ability to conduct emergency management operations.
[Alpine Avalanche, 3/17/11]

Economic and Financial Issues

Signed Letter Asking Reid to Step Down if He Couldnt Come Up with Acceptable Continuing Resolution In April 2011, Canseco was one of the 70 members who signed a letter to Reid asking him to step down if could not make an acceptable plan for a continuing resolution. [Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 4/5/11]

Education Issues
Opposed Holding Texas Schools To FY2011 Funding Level Advocated to strike language from a bill that called on Texas to maintain state funding for elementary and secondary education at a level is that equal to or greater than the percentage provided for fiscal year 2011. Canseco argued that the language held Texas to a higher standing to qualify for funding. [Official Press
Release, Michael Burgess, 2/8/11]

Energy Issues

Advocated for An All-The-Above Strategy on Energy In 2011, Canseco wrote in his weekly column that gas prices were hurting the economy. Canseco said the gas prices hurt families and businesses. Canseco advocated for an an all-the-above strategy on energy. He wrote High gas prices could derail our economic recovery and plunge the economy back into recession. To wean our nation off of our dependence on foreign sources of energy and make ourselves energy independent, we need an all-the-above strategy that focuses on producing more American energy. Co-Sponsored Roadmap for Americas Energy Future Bill In 2011, Canseco touted his co-sponsorship of A Roadmap for Americas Energy Future bill (H.R. 909). He wrote this legislation facilitates and incentivizes greater production of all forms of American energy. He wrote that energy independence and spending cuts were important to families. [Rep. Canseco Weekly
Column, 3/11/11]

Environmental Issues
Voted to Prohibit the Use of Funds for Beach Replenishment Projects by the Army Corps of Engineers In 2011, Canseco voted for an amendment by Paul Broun (GA-10) to prohibit the use of funds for beach replenishment projects by the Army Corps of Engineers. The amendment failed, 74-348. [Broun Amendment, House Clerk, 02/18/11]

Ethics Issues
Canseco Chosen for Financial Services Committee, Finance Industry Was Top Contributor to his Campaign Canseco was chosen for a seat on the House Financial Services Committee after $101,550 out of total $1,227,610 raised for his campaign was donated by the finance, insurance and real estate industry.
[Sunlight Foundation, 12/14/10]

Foreign Policy Issues Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea

Proposed Eliminating Funding for East-West Center In a March 2011 Canseco said his amendment eliminated the $10.716 million in funding for the EastWest Center. He said Im not here to debate the merits of the East-West Center. Im not here to question whether or not the money has been used to do good things. What Im here to do today is to debate and question why this program should be considered a priority and receive taxpayer funding when were in a fiscal crisis.

He said cutting spending is the solution to putting our budget back on a sustainable fiscal path. He said the cuts were painful, but it would be more painful for children and grandchildren. [Canseco Floor Remarks on
Canseco Amendment to HR 1, 2/16/11]

Gay and Lesbian Issues Gun Issues Health Care Issues Housing Issues
Said He Voted to End the FHA Refinance Program Because it was a Failed Government Program In a March 10, 2011 floor statement Canseco said he supported the bill to terminate the FHA Refinance Program. He called it a failed government program because more families had not been helped. He said, The conclusion is very, very clear. The program does not work and its wasteful. We are in an economic crisis. He advocated for spending cuts and said the program did not work. Common sense dictates that we can begin to get our spending under control by cutting programs that simply dont work, no matter how large or how small they are or no matter how beneficent they may sound. [Canseco Floor Remarks on HR 830,

Voted Against Funding for Emergency Loans to Homeowners Facing Foreclosure In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee to repeal Title I of the Emergency Housing Act of 1975 as amended by the 2010 financial regulatory overhaul law (PL 111-203), which authorized $1 billion for the Department of Housing and Urban Development to make emergency mortgage relief payments to homeowners facing foreclosure for up to 12 months. The bill would rescind unobligated funds allocated for the program. As amended, the bill would direct HUD to study the use of the Emergency Mortgage Relief Program and identify and apply best practices to other programs that provide housing assistance to veterans, active duty military personnel and Gold Star Recipients. The bill was ordered reported favorably to the full House, 33-22. [CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11] Repeatedly Voted for Similar Attempts to Terminate Emergency Loans The following outlines similar votes to terminate the Emergency Loan program:


In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee against an amendment to allow the secretary of Housing and Urban Development to use up to $300 million in unobligated funds to provide emergency loans to unemployed homeowners facing foreclosure. The amendment would allow funds to be used for loans, whether they were obligated before or after enactment of the bill. The amendment failed, 22-33. [Frank
Amendment, CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11]

In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee in favor of a motion to order previous question (thus ending debate and possibility of amendment) on an amendment to allow the secretary of Housing and Urban Development to use up to $300 million in unobligated funds to provide emergency loans to unemployed homeowners facing foreclosure. The amendment would allow funds to be used for loans obligated before or after enactment of the bill. The motion to order previous question passed, 3318. [Bachus Motion, CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11] Voted Against Providing New Mortgages Under Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee to prohibit the secretary of Housing and Urban Development from insuring any new mortgages under the Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program, except for insurance commitments entered into before enactment of the bill. The bill would void Housing and Urban Development Mortgagee Letter 2010-23, which provides guidance for lenders regarding the requirements and administration of enhancements to the Federal Housing Administrations Refinance Program. It also would bar the HUD secretary from issuing any regulation, order, notice or mortgagee letter based on or substantially similar to Mortgagee Letter 2010-23. The bill would rescind all unobligated stimulus funds under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (PL 110-343) allocated for the FHA Refinance Program. Funds made available for the program, but expended before the date of the enactment would continue to be governed by the mortgagee letter. As amended, the bill would direct HUD to study the use of the Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program and identify and apply best practices to other programs that provide housing assistance to veterans, active duty military personnel and Gold Star Recipients. The bill was ordered reported favorably to the full House, 33-22. [CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11] Voted Against Study of Emergency Mortgage Relief Program In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee to substitute an amendment to direct the secretary of Housing and Urban Development to study the use of the Emergency Mortgage Relief


Program and identify and apply best practices to other programs that provide housing assistance to veterans, active duty military personnel and Gold Star Recipients. The substitute amendment would authorize the HUD secretary to consult with the Pentagon and Veterans Affairs Department to determine the cost of providing loan modifications to veterans and other armed forces personnel. The vote to substitute the amendment passed, 33-22. [Grimm Substitute Amendment, CQ Committee
Meetings, 3/03/11]

Voted Against Postponing Termination of Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee against an amendment to postpone termination of the Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program until more than 500,000 mortgages have been insured. The amendment failed, 22-33. [Maloney Amendment, CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11] Voted to Protect Guidance for Lenders Regarding the Federal Housing Administrations Refinance Program In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee against an amendment to strike language in the bill to void Housing and Urban Development Mortgagee Letter 2010-23, which provides guidance for lenders regarding the requirements and administration of enhancements to the Federal Housing Administrations Refinance Program. The amendment failed, 22-33. [Lynch Amendment, CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11] Voted Against Study of Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee to substitute an amendment to direct the secretary of Housing and Urban Development to study the use of the Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program and identify and apply best practices to other programs that provide housing assistance to veterans, active duty military personnel and Gold Star Recipients. The substitute amendment would authorize the HUD secretary to consult with the Pentagon and Veterans Affairs Department to determine the cost of providing mortgage assistance to veterans and other armed forces personnel. It would have funded the program through unobligated funds allocated for the FHA Refinance Program. The vote to substitute the amendment passed, 33-22. [Grimm Substitute Amendment, CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11] Voted Against Funding for Emergency Loans to Homeowners Facing Foreclosure In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee to repeal Title I of the Emergency Housing Act of 1975 as amended by the 2010 financial regulatory overhaul law (PL 111-203), which authorized $1

billion for the Department of Housing and Urban Development to make emergency mortgage relief payments to homeowners facing foreclosure for up to 12 months. The bill would rescind unobligated funds allocated for the program. As amended, the bill would direct HUD to study the use of the Emergency Mortgage Relief Program and identify and apply best practices to other programs that provide housing assistance to veterans, active duty military personnel and Gold Star Recipients. The bill was ordered reported favorably to the full House, 33-22. [CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11] Repeatedly Voted for Similar Attempts to Terminate Emergency Loans The following outlines similar votes to terminate the Emergency Loan program:

In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee against an amendment to allow the secretary of Housing and Urban Development to use up to $300 million in unobligated funds to provide emergency loans to unemployed homeowners facing foreclosure. The amendment would allow funds to be used for loans, whether they were obligated before or after enactment of the bill. The amendment failed 22-33. [Frank
Amendment, CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11]

In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee in favor of a motion to order previous question (thus ending debate and possibility of amendment) on an amendment to allow the secretary of Housing and Urban Development to use up to $300 million in unobligated funds to provide emergency loans to unemployed homeowners facing foreclosure. The amendment would allow funds to be used for loans obligated before or after enactment of the bill. The motion to order previous question passed, 33-18. [Bachus Motion, CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11]

Voted Against Providing New Mortgages Under Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee to prohibit the secretary of Housing and Urban Development from insuring any new mortgages under the Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program, except for insurance commitments entered into before enactment of the bill. The bill would void Housing and Urban Development Mortgagee Letter 2010-23, which provides guidance for lenders regarding the requirements and administration of enhancements to the Federal Housing Administrations Refinance Program. It also would bar the HUD secretary from issuing any regulation, order, notice or mortgagee letter based on or substantially similar to Mortgagee Letter 2010-23. The bill would rescind all unobligated stimulus funds under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (PL 110-343) allocated for the FHA Refinance Program.


Funds made available for the program, but expended before the date of the enactment would continue to be governed by the mortgagee letter. As amended, the bill would direct HUD to study the use of the Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program and identify and apply best practices to other programs that provide housing assistance to veterans, active duty military personnel and Gold Star Recipients. The bill was ordered reported favorably to the full House, 33-22. [CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11]
Voted Against Study of Emergency Mortgage Relief Program

In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee to substitute an amendment to direct the secretary of Housing and Urban Development to study the use of the Emergency Mortgage Relief Program and identify and apply best practices to other programs that provide housing assistance to veterans, active duty military personnel and Gold Star Recipients. The substitute amendment would authorize the HUD secretary to consult with the Pentagon and Veterans Affairs Department to determine the cost of providing loan modifications to veterans and other armed forces personnel. The vote to substitute the amendment passed, 33-22. [Grimm Substitute Amendment, CQ Committee Meetings,

Voted Against Postponing Termination of Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee against an amendment to postpone termination of the Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program until more than 500,000 mortgages have been insured. The amendment failed 22-33. [Maloney Amendment, CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11] Voted to Protect Guidance for Lenders Regarding the Federal Housing Administrations Refinance Program In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee against an amendment to strike language in the bill to void Housing and Urban Development Mortgagee Letter 2010-23, which provides guidance for lenders regarding the requirements and administration of enhancements to the Federal Housing Administrations Refinance Program. The amendment failed 22-33. [Lynch Amendment, CQ Committee Meetings, 3/03/11] Voted Against Study of Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program In 2011, Canseco voted in the Financial Services Committee to substitute an amendment to direct the secretary of Housing and Urban Development to study the use of the Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program and identify and apply best practices to other programs that provide housing assistance to veterans, active duty military personnel and Gold Star Recipients.


The substitute amendment would authorize the HUD secretary to consult with the Pentagon and Veterans Affairs Department to determine the cost of providing mortgage assistance to veterans and other armed forces personnel. It would have funded the program through unobligated funds allocated for the FHA Refinance Program. The vote to substitute the amendment passed, 33-22. [Grimm Substitute Amendment, CQ
Committee Meetings, 3/03/11]

Immigration and Border Issues

Advocated for Working with President of Mexico on Border Issues Said he was looking forward to working with the House leadership and President Felipe Calderon to discuss border issues between Texas and Mexico and improve border violence and trade. [Rep. Canseco,
press release, 3/3/11]

Expressed Disappointment About President Obamas Lack of Discussion on Border Security In his response to the Presidents State of the Union address, Canseco expressed disappointment that President Obama did not address border security. With recent news that the Obama administration has canceled the Virtual Fence, and a draw-down of National Guard troops on the Southwest border is to begin June 1st, I am most disappointed that the president did not address a plan for border security, he wrote. [Official Press Release, Quico Canseco,

Voted to Cut Funding for Border Security A DCCC South Texas ad noted that Cansecos vote for the February 2011 continuing resolution cut funding for border security. We have to cut spending and reduce the deficit, but House Republicans are making the wrong choices by asking middle-class families to shoulder all of the sacrifice while not asking Big Oil companies making record profits to sacrifice anything, said Jesse Ferguson, a spokesman for the House Democrats campaign committee. [Blog, USA Today, 2/23/11]

Israel Labor and Working Family Issues

Pushed for Colombia and Panama Free Trade Agreement In his response to the Presidents State of the Union address, Canseco called for President Obama to pass the Colombia Free Trade Agreement and the Panama Free Trade Agreement.


However, I strongly urge the president to also move forward 2 other trade agreements: the Colombia Free Trade Agreement, and the Panama Free Trade Agreement. Both these countries are key components of a constructive foreign policy towards our Latin American neighbors and helping create jobs here at home by opening up markets abroad for American exports, he wrote. [Official
Press Release, Quico Canseco, 1/26/11]

Headline: Ousted Democrat Ciro Rodriguez files for rematch with Rep. Francisco Canseco
In 2011, former representative Ciro Rodriguez was taking another swing at a spot in the House, after he

lost to Canseco in 2010. [Blog, Houston Chronicle, 6/27/11] Justified $75,000 Expense to Publicize Town Halls and the Congressional Art Competition In 2011, Canseco spent $75,000 on a one-year contract with CampaignGrid LLC, a company that described as the online advertising platform for candidates and causes. Cansecos staff justified the expense saying they needed to publicize town halls and the congressional art competition. This service allows Congressman Canseco to communicate with his constituents, said Valentina Weis, a spokeswoman for Canseco. We have been able to inform constituents of services offered by the office like help with federal agencies, [the] time and location of events such as town halls and how government legislation will affect them. [Politico, 6/8/11]

Other Social Issues Political Issues

Honored to Be Part of National Republican Congressional Committees Patriot Program
In 2011, Canseco was part of the National Republican Congressional Committees Patriot Program. Im very honored to be among the first 10 Patriots leading the fight to build strong re-election campaigns for the 2012 cycle, Canseco wrote in a statement from his office. The Patriot program emphasizes leadership, Canseco wrote, and I look forward to running a campaign that exemplifies just that. [Blog, Houston Chronicle, accessed 6/12/11]
Voted Against Funding Firefighter and First Responder Assistance In 2011, Canseco voted against increased funding for FEMA firefighter assistance grants by $510 million. The amendment specified that $390 million be available for firefighter assistance grants and $420 million be available for Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grants. The amendment passed, 318-113. [HR 1, Pascrell amendment #223, Vote #60, 2/16/11] Canseco Criticized President for Funding to Fight Wildfires; FEMA Said Texas Would be Reimbursed for 75 Percent of Fire Related Costs At a press conference, Canseco requested federal disaster assistance for the wildfires in Texas. The Houston Chronicle reported, Texas will be reimbursed for 75 percent of the firefighting-related costs through the federal grants,


which FEMA said is the same reimbursement rate as a major disaster declaration. [Blog, Houston Chronicle, accessed 5/13/11] On Twitter Canseco Wrote that While Texas Burned Obama Campaigned in Austin On May 10, 2011, Cansecos twitter read, #Texas burns while #Obama campaigns in Austin and El Paso today. [Twitter, Rep. Canseco, 5/10/11] Produced Video Accusing President of Looking the Other Way During Texas Fires Canseco attacked President Obama for campaigning while Texas suffered fires in a video. The description of the video read The facts are simple: Texas is on fire, from border to border and President Obama is looking the other way. Next week, when the Campaigner-in-Chief is in Austin for a fundraiser, perhaps he will find time to see the devastation. [Rep. Canseco, YouTube, 5/9/11]

Canseco Accused President of Failing to Provide Resources for Texas Fires In 2011, Canseco accused the President of failing to provide Texas with a disaster declaration for the wildfires. Texas is burning, and the president is coming to raise campaign money. From my perspective, the president is ignoring a disaster, and he wont lift a finger to help. [Politico, 5/10/11] District Likely to Get More Population from El Paso County; District of Rep. Reyes In a March 2011 article in the El Paso Times, it is reported that Cansecos district was likely to cover more of El Paso County when the new boundaries were drawn. Democratic representative Reyes was expected to cede some population to Canseco. [El Paso Times, 3/14/11]

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid

Said Budget Plan Didnt Turn Medicare into Voucher Program
In 2011, Canseco was told by a resident that she opposed a plan that would allocate a $15,000 voucher to those born after 1957 to purchase insurance. My generation is going to have massive health care issues with this $15,000 voucher, and I dont understand how anybody in Congress thinks this is going to be an efficient way because nothing can reduce the cost of health care, she said. Its going to leave an entire generation with minimal healthcare and at the mercy of big insurance. In response Canseco said the Republican budget plan was not a voucher program, but more akin to the support program Medicare Part D has, which has been very, very successful in keeping costs down. [San Antonio ExpressNews, 5/5/11]

Intended to Fix Social Security and Said He Didnt Care if His Constituents Re-Elected Him In 2011, it was reported that Canseco wanted to fix Social Security and healthcare systems even if it meant he did not get re-elected. It has to be fixed by someone who is brave enough to say, I dont care if you dont vote me back, he told his constituents, Im going to fix this because Ive got children and grandchildren, whose future is at stake.


He went on to say on the subject of Social Security and Medicare benefits Those who say, Dont you dare touch it, turn a blind eye to the reality of what we have, he said. We have a failed system that any time you try to correct it, everybody starts yelling at you and throwing things at you. [San Antonio ExpressNews, 5/5/11]

Headline: Democrats Target Canseco Over Medicare In 2011, Rep. Francisco Canseco was targeted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for his vote on the 2012 Republican Ryan budget. The ad read Did you know Congressman Francisco Canseco voted to end Medicare, forcing seniors to pay $12,500 for private insurance, without guaranteed coverage? Tell Canseco to keep his hands off our Medicare. Cansecos campaign spokesman said Congressman Canseco did not vote to end Medicare. We are trying to go down a path to strengthen and preserve it for future generations.
[My San Antonio, 4/19/11]

Stem Cells Tax Issues

Advocated for Fairer and Flatter Taxes In his response to the Presidents State of the Union address, Canseco advocated for a tax code that is simpler, fairer, and flatter. Right now, the tax code is too complex, too costly to comply with, and hinders the competitiveness of American businesses in the world. Any tax reform should make our nations tax code simpler, fairer, and flatter, he wrote. [Official Press Release, Quico Canseco, 1/26/11]

Tea Party Transportation Issues Wildfire

Headline: Quico Canseco Voted Against Increased Funding for Firefighter, First Responder Assistance In 2011, Burnt Orange Report fact checked Cansecos claims about funding for the Texas wildfires. Congressman Canseco claims that President Obama isnt funding relief for the Texas wildfires. (Source). This is a lie. FEMA has issued 26 grants to pay for the fire, which covers 75% of the cost - the same rate Texas would have received from Perrys request. He also pointed out that Canseco voted against increased funding for firefighters and first responders. In 2011, Canseco voted against increasing funding for FEMA firefighter assistance grants by $510 million.


The new total funding would have given $390 million for firefighter assistance grants and $420 million for Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grants. In fact, Canseco was one of only 113 of the 435 Members of Congress to vote against funding for firefighters and first responders. (Roll Call Vote #60). [Blog, Burnt Orange Report, 5/11/11] Headline: Rep. Francisco Canseco, vocal critic of Obama, voted against disaster relief In 2011, Canseco was criticized for accusing President Obama of refusing to issue a major disaster declaration for Texas wildfires. The Dallas Morning News reported Rep. Francisco Quico Canseco, RSan Antonio, voted to cut almost $2 billion in disaster related funding and voted against increasing Federal Emergency Management Agency firefighter grants and Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants by up to $800 million. Representative Cansecos record speaks for itself: he voted to cut almost $2 billion in disaster related funding and opposed increasing FEMA firefighter grants, said Gabriela Domenzain of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Hes hardly in a position to be throwing stones. The Dallas Morning News reported Democrats are accusing Canseco of hypocritically defunding local fire department grant programs while demanding increased federal assistance. The grants voted down by Canseco, which differ from the ones flowing to the state, provide money to train, equip and maintain local fire department personnel. [Trail Blazers Blog, Dallas Morning News, 5/13/11]



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