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u dnt get wht u deserve, u get what u negotiate.... negotiation is a joint decision making...

it can be defined as the process of two or more parties working together to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution of one or more issues. everything is negotiable.. negotiation is not a competitive sport..treat the other party as ur partener nt as ur competitor,,,always try to keep win win sitaution... position based - where customer has a fixed n limited mind to buy something (win lose situation). interest based - where customer has not fixed anything and has a vast variety of options to explore (win win situation). types - internal n external. internal - negotiation with management for money, man, resources, time, etc. external - banks, customers,

Problem solving problems occurs bcoz of the way our mind works. analysis - separating a problem into its contituents elements. structuring - separating a problem's constituents into an organised way. structuring is like a base of analysis...its like a blue print to a house... structuring helps us better in solving problem as we group similar constituents otherwise we would have been engaged in analysing whole group. it helps us in analysing 1 individual aspect in one time also helps in comparing one with another. it helps our mind in concentrating on one thing and think better... Barriers educational structures do not teach analytical techniques. human beings tend to avoid analytical structure. human beings are problem solvers tools Paraphrasing - restate the problem in different words without loosing the meanin g. 180 degrees - think opposite and write it and apply its opposite broaden the focus - restate the problem in a larger context. redirect the focus - change the focus to something completly different which giv es same result ask why - ask untill u get solution to ur question

list all the pros list all the cons merge same cons try to convert a con into pron

while generating the ideas we shud be in divergant mode while selecting the ideas we shud be in convergant mode the more ideas the better it is build one idea upon the other wacky ideas are ok do not evaluate ideas

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