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Integrantes: Flores, Gabriel Plate, Walter Roncallo, Paolo

y Is a relationship between two species, where one of

them lives benefiting of the other, while the host is adversely affected, living at the expense of nutritive material but without killing him.

Types of Parasitism by location

y Endoparasitism: It occurs when the parasite lives

inside the host, feeding on blood and tissues. This makes it weak and cause diseases. For example, tapeworms, viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc. y Ectoparasitism: It occurs when the parasite lives outside the host, on its surface, hence they get their food. For example lice, mosquitoes, gnats, fleas, etc.

Types of Parasitism as needed

y Bound Parasitism: This occurs in the parasites that

necessarily lead a parasitic life because if not, they die. y Optional Parasitism: These parasites live a parasitic life, but they can live freely without depending on other species. y Social Parasitism: These parasites occupy the nest of another species and leave the rearing of their offspring by the host.

Efects of Parasitism
y The parasitic effects that very varied depending on the

case, can cause the obstruction of organs, including tissue destruction, poisoning toxin production (as the case of bacteria) can produce microbes such as malaria, there are many that produce only small damage to their hosts but others are of greater importance. Can say that are very serious.

Ectoparasitism Endoparasitism





y y y Holt Science & Technology-Integrated Science-Level

Green y

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