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When submitting a report version that has been defined with a printer setup in Report Design Aid to use a custom paper type, such as "HFLETTER", the new paper type does not take effect when the report is submitted to the server. Instead, the settings from the default printer definition setup in table F986167 are used. If you specify *JDE* Custom to set the custom paper size, rather then using the custom paper type, then it will work. However, if you select the paper size name "HFLETTER" from the drop down box in RDA and submit to the server, it will not take effect. The "HFLETTER" custom paper type does work when the UBE report is run locally on the fat client.

As most printers cater to more than one paper size, it became necessary to hard code the size of the paper for certain reports within the specs. Due to this, the paper size is the first in the order for preference during output. Since during the coding of a report, it is easier to select a paper size based on a name rather than having to remember the dimensions, an enhancement SAR Bug 11050920 has been created requesting this functionality.

To specify a custom paper size, use *JDE* Custom and specify the paper dimensions. This setting will work for both local and server submission of the UBE report.

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