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June 10, 2010 Chatting on AOL Instant Messenger with nicolageminiani from kailuagurlie261 nicolageminiani (2:42:23 AM): [Offline

IM sent 7h and 2m ago] I don't know when you'll get this, but if you go on the discussion board on facebook for the Dog t he bounty hunter page, the WEIRDEST freaks post stuff. nicolageminiani (2:42:23 AM): [Offline IM sent 7h and 2m ago] Like these people are mentally deranged or something. kailuagurlie261 (2:44:28 AM): That explains why you're a fan of the show! nicolageminiani (3:16:13 AM): How are you online? nicolageminiani (3:16:30 AM): Aren't you in Europe? kailuagurlie261 (3:17:08 AM): Haha no not yet. We're at LAX kailuagurlie261 (3:17:48 AM): Haha no not yet. We're at LAX nicolageminiani (3:17:53 AM): How ling have you been there? What time did you le ave Hawaii? nicolageminiani (3:18:28 AM): GUESS WHAT IM WATCHING!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!! kailuagurlie261 (3:18:49 AM): Left Hawaii at 8 Hawaii time which was like 7 hour s ago kailuagurlie261 (3:19:13 AM): Sex and the City?!? (in the city nicolageminiani (3:19:16 AM): Ohh that makes sense. kailuagurlie261 (3:19:16 AM): ?) nicolageminiani (3:19:51 AM): DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER!! nicolageminiani (3:20:20 AM): Did you get my message earlier about the facebook discussions? kailuagurlie261 (3:22:36 AM): Yeah and I replied saying: "That explains why you' re a fan of the show!" nicolageminiani (3:22:37 AM): Did you???? nicolageminiani (3:23:16 AM): You should check it out, it's te craziest people. nicolageminiani (3:23:49 AM): They are deranged and stalker like, it's scary. nicolageminiani (3:24:08 AM): Where are you going to from LAX kailuagurlie261 (3:24:32 AM): London then to Athens :D nicolageminiani (3:24:34 AM): Are you staying in a hotel or hostel or b and b kailuagurlie261 (3:24:47 AM): Hotel. Surprisingly cheaper! nicolageminiani (3:25:09 AM): Than a hostel? kailuagurlie261 (3:25:31 AM): I might randomly stop replying if we suddenly deci

de to leave nicolageminiani (3:25:33 AM): That's good now I won't have to have movie nightma res about you teo kailuagurlie261 (3:25:53 AM): Yeah! Weird right? Hostels were like 50 per person ! kailuagurlie261 (3:25:59 AM): Per night! kailuagurlie261 (3:26:21 AM): Our hotels were like 120 for all three of us per n ight nicolageminiani (3:26:59 AM): How long are you staying in Athens? I just realize d you haven't told me anything haha nicolageminiani (3:27:15 AM): Who else is there! nicolageminiani (3:27:24 AM): ? nicolageminiani (3:27:37 AM): I meant ? not ! nicolageminiani (3:29:25 AM): OH MY GOD on Dog they're arresting cockfighters! nicolageminiani (3:34:45 AM): OH MY GOD on Dog they're arresting cockfighters! kailuagurlie261 (3:48:02 AM): Haha just Ahndy and Dada kailuagurlie261 (3:48:16 AM): Wish you could have come :( kailuagurlie261 (3:48:44 AM): We will be in Athens for 4 days? I think? kailuagurlie261 (3:49:38 AM): You went offline!!! nicolageminiani (3:58:27 AM): OH MY GOD on Dog they're arresting cockfighters! nicolageminiani (4:02:26 AM): I can't believe they were catching cockfighters! kailuagurlie261 (4:11:21 AM): I have nothing to say to you nicolageminiani (4:14:28 AM): What do you mean???? nicolageminiani (4:14:38 AM): Did you get my previous messages? kailuagurlie261 (4:15:15 AM): I did indeed nicolageminiani (4:15:35 AM): They were catching cockfighters~ nicolageminiani (4:15:36 AM): ! kailuagurlie261 (4:15:50 AM): I know how you feel about those cockfighters ;) nicolageminiani (4:16:00 AM): Who else is going on the trip? nicolageminiani (4:16:13 AM): How are you guys getting around once you arrive in Athens? kailuagurlie261 (4:17:59 AM): Ahndy and Dada (her moms 27 year old secretary) nicolageminiani (4:24:27 AM): What places are you going?

nicolageminiani (4:24:30 AM): in Europe? kailuagurlie261 (4:37:22 AM): Athens Rome Venice Paris Munich Madrid kailuagurlie261 (4:38:45 AM): Ugh. So dada is supposed to be the adult chaperone but she's so immature! Ahndy and I wanted to sit next to each other on the 12 h our flight from LA to London but Dada was like "I get the window seat!" In a rea lly childish way kailuagurlie261 (4:39:35 AM): And even hurried to the line and such so that she could get that seat. There are only 2 in a row so one person would have to be by themselves kailuagurlie261 (4:40:06 AM): And even hurried to the line and such so that she could get that seat. There are only 2 in a row so one person would have to be by themselves nicolageminiani (4:40:57 AM): That's really immature kailuagurlie261 (4:41:00 AM): I mean doesn't it make sense for the "adult" chape rone to let the two friends sit together? nicolageminiani (4:41:04 AM): of course you two would want to sit next to each o ther nicolageminiani (4:41:15 AM): sorry if you sent that a long time ago and I just responded I'm making macaroons nicolageminiani (4:41:21 AM): I hope shes not like that the whole trip nicolageminiani (4:41:23 AM): That would suck nicolageminiani (4:41:36 AM): Are you on the plane now? nicolageminiani (4:41:45 AM): Who's sitting with her and wwho's sitting by thems elves? kailuagurlie261 (4:41:54 AM): Yeah! Then she finally switched but was all salty about it. She had one purse under the seat in front of her and Ahndy and her had shared a bag for lunch nicolageminiani (4:42:36 AM): And she's been to Europe before, so why does she n eed to sit in the window? Ugh that's so annoying kailuagurlie261 (4:42:42 AM): And we didn't have any room so Ahndy asked her to take it but she said all mean like "I already have a purse under my chair" kailuagurlie261 (4:42:51 AM): Ok taking off now gotta go kailuagurlie261 (4:42:58 AM): Talk to you later :) nicolageminiani (4:48:37 AM): Okay have fun! nicolageminiani (11:26:09 PM): WHy are you online???? nicolageminiani (11:26:14 PM): Aren't you in Europe? kailuagurlie261 (11:27:01 PM): Our hotel is a freaking whore house

nicolageminiani (11:27:09 PM): Why???? nicolageminiani (11:27:12 PM): How can you be online? nicolageminiani (11:27:16 PM): I thought that was expensive? nicolageminiani (11:27:27 PM): Why is your hotel a whore house? kailuagurlie261 (11:30:27 PM): It's in a really seedy area. All black neighborho od. Saw drug dealers and prostitutes everywhere on the way to the hotel. Picture s of naked women in the room. It's super cheap. Half the tv channels were of por n. Apparently a lot of their other rooms are obviously designed for sex purposes nicolageminiani (11:30:50 PM): Hahahahaha that's awesome nicolageminiani (11:31:00 PM): How long are you going to be there in that hotel? nicolageminiani (11:31:03 PM): Is this in Athens? kailuagurlie261 (11:31:09 PM): Hahaha I thought you'd appreciate it kailuagurlie261 (11:31:37 PM): Uhhhhhh. Let me check nicolageminiani (11:31:39 PM): What's the name of it an how did you find it? kailuagurlie261 (11:33:19 PM): Exis boutique I think and we just searched for ch eap hotels in Athens and this came up... The room looked nice? (and it is... But it's a bit disturbing imagining all the things that must go on in here. I feel dirty nicolageminiani (11:34:07 PM): How long will you be in Athens? Are you on your c omputer or on your phone? kailuagurlie261 (11:36:09 PM): And did i mention the condom machines!? nicolageminiani (11:36:14 PM): Marika this place looks awesome if I'm looking at the right place. Take a lot of pictures of the place so I can see when you get back nicolageminiani (11:36:20 PM): OH MY GOD THATS AMAZING kailuagurlie261 (11:36:26 PM): I'm on my phone kailuagurlie261 (11:36:32 PM): LOLOL nicolageminiani (11:36:43 PM): Take millions of pictures of every weird thing an d do a slideshow presentation for me when you get back nicolageminiani (11:37:59 PM): This place is nice, how long will you be there? kailuagurlie261 (11:39:56 PM): I don't know. I have to go check nicolageminiani (11:40:36 PM): How do you not know you're itenerary? kailuagurlie261 (11:41:13 PM): It's like 4 or 5 days or something. Brb nicolageminiani (11:41:59 PM): That's so awesome, I hope you have a lot of fun nicolageminiani (11:42:15 PM): in that cool hotel with those Greek men

nicolageminiani (11:46:03 PM): OH MY GOD I"M SO JEALOUS kailuagurlie261 (11:46:56 PM): Lol!!! nicolageminiani (11:47:15 PM): I hope every hotel you stay in is like this nicolageminiani (11:48:09 PM): Haha I love how when you click on the suite room it says children are not encouraged for that room nicolageminiani (11:48:53 PM): Do you have a jacuzzi? kailuagurlie261 (11:51:31 PM): I gotta admit. Black guys turn me on. *sigh* so m uch eye candy kailuagurlie261 (11:54:27 PM): Haha no. Did you find the hotel online? nicolageminiani (11:55:02 PM): I think so nicolageminiani (11:55:08 PM): Haha I found some pretty great pictures nicolageminiani (11:55:16 PM): That hotel looks so nice and it got like five goo d reviews nicolageminiani (11:55:25 PM): so I don't know if we're talking about the same p lace. kailuagurlie261 (11:56:00 PM): Hmmmmmmmmm. I'll go check it out nicolageminiani (11:56:23 PM): Haha and there was this picture of a jacuzzi with a kind of lilght show inside nicolageminiani (11:56:28 PM): What have you done today? kailuagurlie261 (11:58:19 PM): Haha yep that's the one. No jacuzzi though nicolageminiani (11:58:34 PM): Ahhhh that's so amazing nicolageminiani (11:58:45 PM): What are you going to do in Athens? Any plans? kailuagurlie261 (11:59:04 PM): We got here only a few hours ago. And now it's li ke 1 am June 11, 2010 nicolageminiani (12:00:18 AM): Jeez lady you should go to sleep kailuagurlie261 (12:00:47 AM): Yeah. I probably will soon nicolageminiani (12:00:54 AM): Haha all the reviews are the same just ind iffere nt languages nicolageminiani (12:01:06 AM): That's pretty clever kailuagurlie261 (12:01:31 AM): Hahahahaha are you serious?? That's so funny nicolageminiani (12:01:47 AM): They thought no one would catch on nicolageminiani (12:01:57 AM): And it's the same as the hotels description on th e website

nicolageminiani (12:02:24 AM): Ohhh guess what nicolageminiani (12:02:35 AM): I'm going to see Get Him to teh Greek in like two hours nicolageminiani (12:02:39 AM): And you're in Greece kailuagurlie261 (12:05:25 AM): That is just hilarious nicolageminiani (12:06:42 AM): I know kailuagurlie261 (12:08:44 AM): Oh my god I feel so dirty staying here. kailuagurlie261 (12:11:01 AM): Well. I'm gonna go sleep now kailuagurlie261 (12:11:19 AM): Good night! :) nicolageminiani (12:22:02 AM): Goodnight nicolageminiani (9:54:42 AM): [Offline IM sent 2h and 4m ago] This is what you n eed to do nicolageminiani (9:54:42 AM): [Offline IM sent 2h and 3m ago] watch the HBO show OZ online and tell me how bloody it is nicolageminiani (9:54:42 AM): [Offline IM sent 2h and 3m ago] I really want to w atch it but I don't know how bloody it is kailuagurlie261 (9:55:20 AM): Haha well I can't watch it /now/ June 14, 2010 nicolageminiani (8:24:14 PM): [Offline IM sent 1d and 22h ago] Send me pictures of the hotel! nicolageminiani (8:24:14 PM): [Offline IM sent 1d and 0h ago] I'm in a weird sit uation. I'm bored. nicolageminiani (8:24:14 PM): [Offline IM sent 1d and 0h ago] There's this place in the north shore that's supposed to be this great bakery that I want to go to nicolageminiani (8:24:14 PM): [Offline IM sent 23h and 52m ago] So we should tak e a bus there one day it takes more than two hours nicolageminiani (8:24:14 PM): [Offline IM sent 23h and 52m ago] That would be a fun way to get to the north shore nicolageminiani (8:24:14 PM): [Offline IM sent 23h and 42m ago] We need to do th at nicolageminiani (8:24:14 PM): [Offline IM sent 23h and 41m ago] That would be fu n, we could get up early and leave at like 6 in te morning and them get there at 11 kailuagurlie261 (8:25:04 PM): Oooh!! We totally should! June 17, 2010 kailuagurlie261 (12:35:25 AM): There's a Pretty Little Liars tv series that just came out =O ahahaha Its on ABC Family

nicolageminiani (1:03:52 AM): Are you seriously online? kailuagurlie261 (1:21:19 AM): Yes. nicolageminiani (9:21:24 AM): Hey are you online?! nicolageminiani (9:24:45 AM): You WBV I wanted to hear about europe! kailuagurlie261 (10:15:35 AM): WBV? June 22, 2010 kailuagurlie261 (12:49:08 AM): Nicola Geminiani nicolageminiani (1:22:12 AM): Hey you there kailuagurlie261 (1:22:29 AM): Hey you nicolageminiani (1:22:39 AM): Where are you? kailuagurlie261 (1:23:12 AM): In Venice :D nicolageminiani (1:23:30 AM): On your phone? nicolageminiani (1:23:33 AM): That's pretty nice kailuagurlie261 (1:23:34 AM): Or well in my hotel room. In bed. Watching doctor who kailuagurlie261 (1:23:44 AM): Yep. Got free wifi kailuagurlie261 (1:24:02 AM): When do you get to Hawaii? nicolageminiani (1:24:07 AM): Is your hotel better than the one in Amsterdam nicolageminiani (1:24:25 AM): I come to Hawaii on Saturday kailuagurlie261 (1:24:37 AM): You mean Athens? Hahaha yes it's much much better nicolageminiani (1:24:48 AM): Ohhhhhhh haha right kailuagurlie261 (1:24:49 AM): Ooohhh pretty soon then! nicolageminiani (1:24:59 AM): Did you take lots of pictues of the hotel in Athen s? kailuagurlie261 (1:25:20 AM): Rofl I got a few kailuagurlie261 (1:26:00 AM): Website is pretty acurate. Except for the jacuzzi :( kailuagurlie261 (1:26:30 AM): Did you download the new iPhone system? nicolageminiani (1:26:39 AM): Haha it's good you didn't have a jacuzzi nicolageminiani (1:26:43 AM): No I haven't done that nicolageminiani (1:26:58 AM): Wha's been your favorite part of your trip so far?

nicolageminiani (1:28:30 AM): When do you go back to Hawaii? kailuagurlie261 (1:29:04 AM): Hmm I rather like Venice I think :D kailuagurlie261 (1:29:36 AM): And I get back the night of July 3rd. Coming over on the 4th right? nicolageminiani (1:30:28 AM): YES nicolageminiani (1:30:32 AM): I would like to nicolageminiani (1:30:34 AM): if I am invited kailuagurlie261 (1:30:58 AM): Hehe well I've just invited you, haven't I :p nicolageminiani (1:31:10 AM): Haha Ahndy also invited me a little while ago too nicolageminiani (1:31:17 AM): Where are you going next? kailuagurlie261 (1:31:21 AM): Haha yeah she told me nicolageminiani (1:31:29 AM): I like Venice, what have you been doing tehre? kailuagurlie261 (1:32:06 AM): We go to Paris next. Yeah I still remember that pi cture of you with all the birds xp kailuagurlie261 (1:32:47 AM): Hmm we've just sort of been walking around. Saw th e guggenheim museum today. nicolageminiani (1:32:48 AM): Ahhh Paris, that's cool. go to bakeries and shops. kailuagurlie261 (1:33:14 AM): Yesss. I will be doing a lot of shopping nicolageminiani (1:33:25 AM): I went to a pastry store across from our apartment and it had the BEST chocolate ic ecream I had ever had nicolageminiani (1:33:48 AM): Are you excited to come back home? nicolageminiani (1:34:11 AM): or is it one of those vacations where you aren't t ired and homesick? kailuagurlie261 (1:34:33 AM): Hmmmmmmmmm kailuagurlie261 (1:36:01 AM): Not quite sure. I'm excited for specific things wh en i get back like giving out gifts and showing everyone pictures and 4th of Jul y and seeing you kailuagurlie261 (1:36:21 AM): But I wouldn't call myself homesick (yet?) kailuagurlie261 (1:37:18 AM): Oooooh by the way. My parents are leaving me compl etely alone for 2 weeks. Foreal this time xP no aunt and uncle to torture me nicolageminiani (1:37:30 AM): FYOEWJFJFLEWJFLK nicolageminiani (1:37:33 AM): WHOOOHHHHOOOO! nicolageminiani (1:37:46 AM): WE CAN HAVE ANOTHER FROZEN MEAL FEAST! nicolageminiani (1:38:05 AM): That's amazing

nicolageminiani (1:38:31 AM): What did they do with the left over money from las t time? kailuagurlie261 (1:38:53 AM): LOL I know right! You can buy us a pie and we can eat tacos and phish food hahaha nicolageminiani (1:39:11 AM): Haha my mom bought me phish food nicolageminiani (1:39:17 AM): cause I got my wisdom teeth out nicolageminiani (1:39:19 AM): today kailuagurlie261 (1:39:24 AM): Hmmm I think they gave it to me? Or maybe they too k it back. I forget. nicolageminiani (1:39:35 AM): and I saw those exact tacos in the grocery store kailuagurlie261 (1:39:40 AM): Ouchhhh. Did it hurt? Does it hurt? nicolageminiani (1:39:45 AM): This time you can spend all the money! kailuagurlie261 (1:40:09 AM): Hahaha or YOU can. Spend money. Buy a dozen donuts :p nicolageminiani (1:40:21 AM): It did't hurt cause I fell asleep, but my right si de aches kind of and I got superstrong medication nicolageminiani (1:40:30 AM): They gave me vicodin/hydrocodone nicolageminiani (1:40:45 AM): FLDJSFLKDJFLKDSJflk DONUTS!!!!!! kailuagurlie261 (1:41:04 AM): Oh woah. You could probably sell that xP nicolageminiani (1:41:08 AM): And since I haven't been falling asleep til like 4 or 5 in the morning, those will help me sleep nicolageminiani (1:41:15 AM): Haha FAKERY kailuagurlie261 (1:41:17 AM): Ooh that's good! kailuagurlie261 (1:41:33 AM): Haha yesss! Bring in more business! nicolageminiani (1:42:43 AM): Where are your parents going? kailuagurlie261 (1:43:09 AM): Ok well it's like 1:40am and my iPhone is running on super little battery (9 percent!) so I'm gonna go charge it and sleep. And my parents are going to....San francisco kailuagurlie261 (1:43:46 AM): To visit Ingrid. Her second baby is comin soon! kailuagurlie261 (1:43:54 AM): yaaaaaaay! nicolageminiani (1:44:06 AM): Ohhh okay nicolageminiani (1:44:09 AM): That's cool! nicolageminiani (1:44:14 AM): Ahhh so lucky nicolageminiani (1:44:17 AM): Byeeee

kailuagurlie261 (1:44:27 AM): Haha ok so I'll catch ya later. Night ^^ June 23, 2010 nicolageminiani (1:37:41 AM): Heyyyyyy June 26, 2010 kailuagurlie261 (2:07:29 AM): Yooooo nicolageminiani (2:07:50 AM): Are you there? kailuagurlie261 (2:08:28 AM): Sort of. Haha it's 2 am and I'll probably sleep so rta soon. But for now I am ^^ nicolageminiani (2:08:52 AM): Where are you? nicolageminiani (2:08:53 AM): Paris/ nicolageminiani (2:08:55 AM): ? kailuagurlie261 (2:11:14 AM): Yep :D spent 6 hours in the Louvre today =O nicolageminiani (2:11:27 AM): Whaaaat nicolageminiani (2:11:30 AM): That's a lot kailuagurlie261 (2:11:34 AM): Going to Versailles tomorrowww nicolageminiani (2:11:41 AM): Are you staying in a hotel? nicolageminiani (2:11:46 AM): Versailles wasn't that much fun kailuagurlie261 (2:11:48 AM): It is right! My god I was tired after nicolageminiani (2:11:51 AM): hope I didn't ruin it for you kailuagurlie261 (2:12:13 AM): Oh really? How much time did it take you to see it ? Why wasn't it that much fun? kailuagurlie261 (2:12:39 AM): Hahaha no no. Je veux savoir :P nicolageminiani (2:12:58 AM): Because it was hot and we had to stand in line out side for two hours for tickets kailuagurlie261 (2:13:01 AM): (usin my French skills lately. Mann I suucckk xP) nicolageminiani (2:13:10 AM): Haha it was pretty cool inside kailuagurlie261 (2:13:28 AM): Holy. Good to know. We'll buy our tickets ahead of time. nicolageminiani (2:13:46 AM): Thsat's a good idea, the gardens nice nicolageminiani (2:13:49 AM): How's your hotel? kailuagurlie261 (2:13:54 AM): That's good :D do you know how long you took to se e it? nicolageminiani (2:13:55 AM): Are yout aking the subway around and all?

kailuagurlie261 (2:14:16 AM): Some say it'll take all day. And yes we are stayin g in a hotel. nicolageminiani (2:14:34 AM): It took like all day kailuagurlie261 (2:14:35 AM): Haha and yes we are taking the metro everywhere nicolageminiani (2:14:38 AM): There's a lot of walking kailuagurlie261 (2:14:50 AM): Aahhhhh dang. On both accounts nicolageminiani (2:15:54 AM): Haha it'll be fun, have you been having fun so fa r? nicolageminiani (2:16:15 AM): How's taht lady doing? Is she still being immature ? kailuagurlie261 (2:17:09 AM): Ugh yes x_x. She's ridiculous. Somehow I'm able to just not care though and thank god for that. nicolageminiani (2:17:39 AM): Ahh I'm leaving for Hawaii tomorrow morning nicolageminiani (2:17:53 AM): I can't wait to hear about more nicolageminiani (2:18:04 AM): Where do you go after Paris? kailuagurlie261 (2:18:08 AM): So basically, the French are angry about their pre sident Sarkozy raising the retirement age to 62 so they all go on strike for two days. Well the train people and the schools and some plane people nicolageminiani (2:18:50 AM): I heard that the French go on strike like once a w eek nicolageminiani (2:18:51 AM): Hahaha kailuagurlie261 (2:19:15 AM): And just our luck we were supposed to take a train into Paris from Venice on the first day of the strike. So instead we have to ta ke this suuuuuuper long bus ride all night long. Like 16 hours. kailuagurlie261 (2:19:30 AM): And here's dada complaining complaining complainin g. nicolageminiani (2:19:32 AM): I saw Ahndy's status on facebook h aha nicolageminiani (2:19:36 AM): And I was like soundsl ike funnn nicolageminiani (2:19:48 AM): Where are you staying? kailuagurlie261 (2:20:17 AM): Then she tells us "if we would have taken plane li ke I wanted to we wouldn't be in this mess" (she's Serbian and doesn't speak per fect English) nicolageminiani (2:20:38 AM): A plane would have been really expensive nicolageminiani (2:20:41 AM): That doesn't make sense nicolageminiani (2:21:03 AM): and anyway train is better to sightsee so a train was better ahead of time

kailuagurlie261 (2:21:09 AM): And so she's all mad at Ahndy and I for the strike in France and she blames the situation on us!!! And she's all pissy and mutteri ng under her breath nicolageminiani (2:21:14 AM): It was just a bad last minute thing that you guys had to take bus nicolageminiani (2:21:27 AM): She's being ridiculous kailuagurlie261 (2:21:51 AM): Yeah! But no. Eeevvverryyy time something bad happ ens it's either my fault or ahndys fault or both our faults nicolageminiani (2:21:55 AM): Is she paying for her whole trip? kailuagurlie261 (2:22:35 AM): But does Dada ever take responsibility for anythin g? Noooo of course not. Nothing is ever her fault. kailuagurlie261 (2:23:07 AM): Nope. Ahndys mom and my parents are splitting cost s for airplane train and hotels nicolageminiani (2:23:38 AM): That's so stupid! She's getting a free trip! She d oesn't have the right to decide modes of transportation kailuagurlie261 (2:24:14 AM): Oooh that's very exciting that you're leaving for Hawaii tomorrow! And we go to Munich via train on the 28th nicolageminiani (2:24:46 AM): Where in Paris are you? kailuagurlie261 (2:24:47 AM): I know! Not to mention complain kailuagurlie261 (2:25:11 AM): By the Republique area. Right in the centerish. kailuagurlie261 (2:25:13 AM): ls kailuagurlie261 (2:25:24 AM): Ndjdhc typo kailuagurlie261 (2:25:27 AM): Lao kailuagurlie261 (2:25:30 AM): Chdjdjdjdnfnfif kailuagurlie261 (2:26:18 AM): I keep accidentally pressing send nicolageminiani (2:26:16 AM): What are you doing? Crazyyyy nicolageminiani (2:26:41 AM): Hahaha wha's been your favorite place so far? kailuagurlie261 (2:28:04 AM): Wait I'm trying to say something kailuagurlie261 (2:28:08 AM): Ok so kailuagurlie261 (2:28:26 AM): Grr now I forget! Ahahah nicolageminiani (2:28:36 AM): SAY IT kailuagurlie261 (2:29:52 AM): Oh yeah. Were staying right near the area that the y're striking. God it was so scary. Sooo many angry french people. We had to wal k through the throngs of people too x_x oiii nicolageminiani (2:30:19 AM): Just yell in rapid French

nicolageminiani (2:30:22 AM): Haha kailuagurlie261 (2:30:23 AM): Hmm not sure about my favorite place. Ask me when I get back. XP nicolageminiani (2:30:28 AM): Yell "Tu est con!" kailuagurlie261 (2:30:29 AM): Lol!! kailuagurlie261 (2:30:44 AM): Tu es fou! nicolageminiani (2:31:12 AM): Hahaha kailuagurlie261 (2:31:27 AM): So you know what's funny? kailuagurlie261 (2:32:11 AM): Dada was saying how I act more like I grew up with siblings than Ahndy does because I'm share m kailuagurlie261 (2:32:26 AM): *more than Ahndy shares kailuagurlie261 (2:32:30 AM): I gues nicolageminiani (2:32:39 AM): I would think it'd be the other way around nicolageminiani (2:32:46 AM): cause I would think people with siblings wouldn't want to share kailuagurlie261 (2:33:35 AM): No people with siblings share more because they gr ow up having to. Only children are used to having everything to themselves nicolageminiani (2:33:42 AM): I'm sure Dada has many deep thoughts thoughts on p eople kailuagurlie261 (2:33:42 AM): But anyways nicolageminiani (2:34:10 AM): Insights nicolageminiani (2:34:12 AM): that's what I meant nicolageminiani (2:34:18 AM): Haha I'm sure Dada has many deep insights kailuagurlie261 (2:34:43 AM): Ahndy gets all offended by that and just now she a sked me what I thought. Dada was in the shower. And I said that she could be sor t of selfish nicolageminiani (2:36:07 AM): Have you and Ahndy been getting along? kailuagurlie261 (2:36:22 AM): And then she gets all frazzled and tongue tied and eventually tells me that she feels it's more the other way around. And by sayin g that she was totally insulting me but the funny part is that I don't think she even realized. kailuagurlie261 (2:36:47 AM): Cause she wasn't being bitter. Just factual kailuagurlie261 (2:36:53 AM): And then kailuagurlie261 (2:37:23 AM): What was that other thing she said..... It was soo o funny. nicolageminiani (2:37:31 AM): I don't see why it matters what Dada says, that's

silly nicolageminiani (2:37:38 AM): What was it? kailuagurlie261 (2:38:02 AM): Damn. I forget. Ugghhhh stupid memory tonight kailuagurlie261 (2:39:14 AM): Gifkdjgjfirjfjdb nicolageminiani (2:39:34 AM): I gotta go, talk to you later nicolageminiani (2:39:37 AM): Haha have fun tmorrow! nicolageminiani (2:39:46 AM): Remember to say "Tu est con!" to someone kailuagurlie261 (2:39:47 AM): Ok. Bye :) kailuagurlie261 (2:39:52 AM): Haha I shall nicolageminiani (2:39:54 AM): That's the ultimate insult kailuagurlie261 (2:39:59 AM): Rofl rofl kailuagurlie261 (2:52:37 AM): Oh before I forget. Here's the funny part. Ahndy s tarts going on and on about how she's soooooo much less selfish than me in this pathetic attempt to convince herself of this fact and she's so into it, so despe rate to make herself out to be sharing and unselfish, that she's totally oblivio us to how she's completely putting me down

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