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New research suggests the Internet is changing our memory.

Researchers from Colombia University presented people with different questions and found many began to think of computers. Lead researcher Dr Betsy Sparrow said that when test participants knew the answers would be available on a computer, they did less well on the memory tests. She said we use the Internet as a new transactive memory. We rely on this to do the remembering for us. Its similar to our personal data being backed up on a hard disk. The Internet acts as a huge storage device for all the worlds knowledge, that is there when we need it. Dr Sparrow said computers were not making us less intelligent. I don't think Google is making us stupid. We're just changing the way that we're remembering things, she said. A recent study implies that internet usage is revising our minds ability to recall things. Columbia Universitys research worker created different queries to the participants and realized that the majority started to consider the use of internet. Dr Betsy Sparrow, the lead researcher, said that the volunteers failed to perform well during memory exam because theyre aware that the solutions can be retrieved on the computer. She stated that we depend to it to retain things; thus, it functions as a transactive memory. The process is like saving all the information on external storage. People can easily access it, as it serves as the ultimate information-saving tool, which holds general information around us. She believes that this tool doesnt really decrease humans intellectual capacity; yet the use of the internet like the site Google, is just modifying the concept of using our memory skills. A) B) C) D) E) Internet is considered to be a credible huge external memory storage. Using computer is a threat to humans memory. People are becoming dependent to the internet. Internet is more effective that humans memory. Internet is changing how our memory works.

Correct Answer- Letter E E) Internet is changing how our memory works

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