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Apollo and Ares, Gods of Art and War

Aphrodite, Goddess of Beauty and Love Artemis, Virgin Goddess of the Hunt and Twin Sister to Apollo

Athena, Goddess of Wisdom Demeter, Goddess of Fertility

Hera - the "Big Guys" boss as wife to Zeus. Queen of Olympus

Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth

Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld, wife to Hades

Hades, God of the Underworld

Hephaestus, God of Fire and Metal work

Hermes, God of Merchants

Poseiden, God of the Sea

Zeus - God of Gods, the "Big Guy", Ruler of Olympus

Lay down and take a relaxing trip back home The twelve great Gods and Goddesses, considered by most mythographers to be the ruling Pantheon, are (Gods) Zeus, Poseidon, Hephaestus, Hermes, Ares, and Apollo and (Goddesses) Hera, Athena, Artemis, Hestia, Aphrodite, and Demeter. Hades, although a brother to Zeus, did not frequent Olympus and, with Persephone and Hecate, remained mostly in his underworld empire and, therefore, was not considered one of the ruling deities. Dionysos, God of Wine

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