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Reading Questions due: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 pp. 232-260 in Steven W.

Hook and John Spanier, American Foreign Policy Since World War II Daniel Deudney and G. John Ikenberry, "Who Won the Cold War?" Foreign Policy No. 87 (Summer, 1992), pp. 123-128, 130-138 (15 pages) Dinesh D'Souza, "How Reagan Won the Cold War,"National Review, November 24, 1997.National Review, 11/24/1997, Vol. 49 Issue 22, pp. 36-41. Hook and Spanier ---1) What sorts of issues was President George H. W. Bush worried about as he and his advisors watched the collapse of Soviet hegemony in Eastern Europe and then of the Soviet Union itself? Did he seek "revenge"? ----2) From the Bush Admininstration's viewpoint, what three conditions did the final resolution of the Cold War depend on? ---3) What event in the summer of 1989 inspired people in Eastern European countries to launch anti-communist demonstrations?

----4) What divison was at the heart of the Cold War confrontation?

----5) What event allowed thousands of West Germans to escape to Western Europe?

----6) In what two Eastern European countries did communist parties (renamed) actually manage to win the first free elections after the collapse of Soviet hegemony in Eastern Europe?

Deudney and Ikenberry: ----1) How did many Western experts think the communist party of the USSR would respond to the threat of losing power?

----2) In the authors' view, what factor was more important than the Reagan administration's military buildup in precipitating the end of the Cold War? D'Souza: ----1) According to the author, what specific things did Reagan did that directly led to the collapse of communism in Europe and Soviet collapse?

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