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Default Re: port forwarding in beetel 220bxi Adsl2 modem go to

html username: admin password: password on the left, u can see options like 'device info', 'advanced setup', etc... click on advanced setup, then NAT, then virtual servers.. (Advanced Setup>>>NAT>>>Virtual Servers) you will reach the NAT -- Virtual Servers Setup. there u will see two options; Add, and Remove. Click on Add. In the 'Server Name', choose 'Custom Server', and give it any name you like. .. In 'Server IP Address', put your ip address...(to find your ip address, open command prompt, and type ipconfig) In 'external port start', enter the port you want to open...if you want to o pen just one port, enter the same port number at 'external port end'. If you want to open a range, put the starting port at start and the ending p ort at end. The 'Internal Port Start' and 'Internal Port end' values will be filled auto don't have to enter them... Eg: To open port 60215, put 60215 at 'external port start' as well as at 'extern al port end'. To open ports 60215,60216,60217,60218 and 60219, put 60215 at 'external port start' and 60219 at 'external port end'. Now, click on save/apply, and you are done hope that helped...

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