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I Am From LeeAnna Garringer

I am from Dave and Lu Who help me achieve my goals and make my dreams come true. I am from A house of fun: A four-wheeler, an air hockey table, a drum set; there is something for everyone. I am from A family of music. Every time we hear something, we go crazy and lose it.

I am from Miller, MO. Its a small town, also known as, A Place To Grow. I am from A love for Lucille Ball. I cant wait until I get another I Love Lucy doll. I am from A sibling of one, who wants to be just like me. Which makes no sense, since, she is the favorite in the family. I am from A firework passion, as long as they go off in orderly fashion.

I am from A small group of friends. We are tight, we are close, We will be friends until the end. I am from... a family of volunteers. We work really hard to help our peers. I am from A family of four. We stick together no matter who comes knocking on our door.

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